Alliance Enhance Shaman Looking for Raid

100 Draenei Shaman
Well geared Enhance shaman looking for 10 man raid group.

WoW Heroes GS 4578

I do not have a healing offspec because I know that I am horrible at it, however I do produce solid DPS.

I am available with notice from 6 server till 930 server - Mon, Tue, and Thur. Friday I am available 6 server till when ever, Saturday available whenever, and Sunday I am available till 930 server.

Please send me a in game mail if you are interested

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85 Night Elf Druid
Why did you take Elemental Precision? Enhancement gear doesn't typically have spirit, so you essentially aren't gaining much there for spell hit. Just reforging hit rating will bring both your melee hit and spell hit up.

Why did you not take Call of Flame? Our fire totems are a very important part of our dps. Especially Searing Totem.

Fire Nova is also very handy for the trash pulls in dungeons and raids. I would take that one too.

I wouldn't care about your WoW-heroes GS, I care more about you equipping the right gear, correct gems and enchants, and the right numbers for your stats (hit capped, expertise capped, etc). Next, I would want to see if you know your rotation, and can act accordingly during the heat of battle.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
02/20/2011 10:20 AMPosted by Lindoria
Why did you take Elemental Precision? Enhancement gear doesn't typically have spirit, so you essentially aren't gaining much there for spell hit. Just reforging hit rating will bring both your melee hit and spell hit up.

It's probably because some guy with a sticky or largely responded to post on Enhancement said to take Elemental Precision. I was trying to figure out how to make my own Enhancement Shaman better and learn rotations, and I also saw it say to take Elemental Precision, and I had the same reaction you did.

It makes absolutely no sense, since Enhancement gear has ZERO spirit on it. And they even suggested a caster main hand with spirit..which is just retarded. I guess you can get a raid buff that gives you some spirit, but not enough to warrant a talent choice that only works if OTHER people buff you.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Well I am hit capped, and expertise capped. Typically do about 14k single target DPS prior to most recent patch
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85 Night Elf Druid
02/20/2011 11:33 AMPosted by Rukentuts
you can get a raid buff that gives you some spirit, but not enough to warrant a talent choice that only works if OTHER people buff you.
That there is why you are supposed to take it.

I will take my Searing Totem talent over the Spell Hit from Spirit Talent any day of the week.

I dont know what guide you others are talking about, but Elam has been followed by MANY players for a long, long time. His spec doesn't take Elemental Precision.

Maneo, contact me in-game, I dont want to discuss this further on the forums.
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86 Human Paladin
I was under the impression that since Agility can't be reforged for anything, that you'd want to forge for hit and expertise to reach the caps, and then gem for Agi. 14k DPS just seems awfully low for an average item level of 354.
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100 Draenei Shaman
I was under the impression that since Agility can't be reforged for anything, that you'd want to forge for hit and expertise to reach the caps, and then gem for Agi. 14k DPS just seems awfully low for an average item level of 354.

That seems to be the way to do it, although since hit cap is so high I found myself having to gem, and expertise and hit as well.

Done research on my dps cause I agree with you it seems low, from my research I won't be seeing a significant increase in my dps till my weapons are replaced.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I had no trouble reforging hit to reach cap. I have a lower ILevel than you and I can pull 18k most times. It has to be something else.
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100 Draenei Shaman
I should clarify that is my dps in heroics, and fighting Magmaw ( while jumping to chain him down )

Just beat on the target dummy for a bit and was at almost exactly 14k as well... I don't know
Edited by Maneo on 2/20/2011 3:38 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Has anyone forgotten that Elemental Precision gives you a 3% more fire damage? Which is actually what our mastery do. Enhancement shammies don't take this talent because of the hit. I'm amazed no one has noticed that
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