We are recruiting a few mature players that know their role and their class to round out our 10 mans. We are looking to raid Friday Evenings around 6 or 7 server and Sunday around 4 server at the earliest. Times may be changed for either raid based on availability. Looking for a tank, a healer and a few dps. Raid spots are not guaranteed and you will be subject to a trial term before becoming a full member of the guild. Please contact Pheroth, Sortok, Dalv or Irivaria in game for more details.
(H)Encrypted - Recruiting for 10 mans
Also want to note that we are a casual raiding guild.
Le Bump
Edited by Irivaria on 2/19/2011 4:58 PM PST
Bump lol
Were still looking for players of all classes and such to fill out the 10 man. Hope to hear from you soon I am sure you will have a great time with us!
Were still looking for players of all classes and such to fill out the 10 man. Hope to hear from you soon I am sure you will have a great time with us!
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