Ishnu Por Ah ((Recruiting))

100 Tauren Shaman
*posted randomly about Kalimdor*

The people of the Ishnu Por Ah have been quietly seeking our path in life, professing Por Ah’s Balance and playing our small part to protect it. But the world has changed and so must we. To strengthen our purpose we must grow. And so we seek those willing to be part of our family.

Ishnu Por Ah means “For the Earthmother”. Like the Earthen Ring and the Cenarion Circle, our ultimate goal is to ensure a world for Por Ah’s Children safe from the evils that seek to destroy it. Our beliefs stem from that of the Tauren people, the Shu’halo. And so it is also within our purpose to ensure the protection and prosperity of their ways and lands.

As always, we have gone to the front lines where Por Ah has called us to protect her and her creations. In the past, our small band has set foot in the Lich King’s Citadel, confronted the madness of Karazhan. We stood with others against the swarms of Ahn’qiraj when they first appeared and delved into the depths of Nefarion’s lair. The chaos and destruction that Deathwing has reaped upon our world calls us to continue.

But we will not forget our home. With the help of the Horde, the Shu’halo have claimed a land to call their own. This is to be the heartland of the Shu’halo nation, the place from which our people’s strength and culture will grow. Now the Alliance armies push into Kalimdor, threatening our borders. Por Ah gave us these lands and we will fight to protect it.

We seek those willing to join us in our efforts to save the world, protect our lands and preserve the ways of Por Ah. We seek those willing to fight for the Shu’halo people and their sovereignty. We seek all manner of skill. Not just warriors and hunters, but healers and craftsmen, storytellers and sages.

If our call interests you then seek us out. You may speak to any who carry our mark. You may also send notice to Red Earth of the Blackhide or Keeper Mishkwaki at our lodge on Spirit Rise in Thunder Bluff if you wish to know more.

Ishnu Por Ah and Earthmother guide you
Red Earth of the Blackhide
Matriarch of the Ishnu Por Ah

((Ishnu Por Ah has been a long standing guild on Cenarion Circle. We are an RP guild who likes to play the game.

We are looking to grow a little. Hell, we're trying to rebuild. :) Both in an attempt to revitalize some world involved RP and so that we might once again be able to field guild activities such as raiding and acquiring guild achievements. In terms of RPers, we seek people who want to make RP not just wait for someone to give it them. In terms of raiders, we look for those who understand that progression does not mean it will happen in one day and put an effort into making it happen. In terms of players, we look for people wanting to have fun doing what they like doing and having the decency to let others have the same.

For a more indepth look into what we are all about and to apply you may visit our website, Feel free to look around, but the Guild Charter,, and Application,, can be found in the General Discussion forums.

And if you have any questions, you may speak with any of the Ishnu Por Ah you see in game and if they can’t answer your question they’ll at least know where I am if I’m in game and send me a message to talk to you.))
Edited by Redearth on 2/23/2011 8:35 AM PST
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OOC: Further requirements follow:
Must also have a deep love of the following:
    bad puns at raid time/farming time/dungeon time/any time
    extended character histories
    poking MarySues with pointy sticks
    wiping with good humor
    learning from your mistakes
    insisting someone else takes the loot
    knowing your lore
    knowing your class
    having a basic knowledge of your guildies classes too
    silly achievements
    companion pets
    laughing when Redearth facepulls
    omelettes, the fresher the better
    storytelling and other assorted forms of "makin' stuff up"
    staying IC in odd situations

Did I miss anything?
Edited by Plainswander on 2/23/2011 1:26 PM PST
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Still OOC: Oh yeah: No Warlocks.

Q: Why no warlocks?

A: Ishnu Por Ah is a "good" guild. We range from lawful good, to chaotic good, to flirting temporarily with neutral. We are not, never have bene, and never will be evil. Blood elves, forsaken, and death knights can all renounce the "evil" parts of their character, and still do what they do. But a warlock who renounces evil and fel energies is not a warlock anymore, they're called mages, priests, shaman, or druids.
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85 Troll Druid
Red Earth stole my pie.
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97 Tauren Hunter
Steals Red Earth's pilfered pie..covers in chocolate.. consumes in one large bite...


Smears chocolate and pie guts across her face and smugly walks through Orgrimmar completely unawares of the Dirty Pie Sanchez..

..oh..and .. *burp!*
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100 Tauren Warrior
*watches Snowfeather walk by with streaks of pie on her face*

Hey, Sis Snow! Next time you go to war with a pie, leave me some!

*looks at the board and sees the recruitment post*

Ahaa. . . .

*spins around and yells at the top of her voice*

Hey Horde! There's Pinkies knocking on the Mulgore door! We need to get 'em out of the house!
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85 Blood Elf Priest
*walks by & stops to read the announcement*

"Ah Ishnu Por Ah! They're always good people to travel with. I hope they have more folks join them." Frost says more to herself than anyone standing around her & then walks away.

(Otherwise known as a BUMP & an endorsement)
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Issshnu Por Ah or Die, yesss!

*kneels before Redearth*

Marry usss, yesss.

*latches onto Redearth in a deathgrip, SHRIEKING*
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Now Abominus, y'all knows, the only way Redearth'd ever marry ya is if yas was a member of Ishnu, and we all knows them Grims loves ya jest too dang much ta ever let ya go.

So, it're real romantic an' all, but ya knows it'd never be.

/wanders off whistling
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100 Undead Warrior
Hmm, we could breed a Maggot of Abominusss Cloning, and then it would sssatisssfy her every want and desssire, yesss....

*skitters off to his labs*
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100 Tauren Shaman
Oi, if you think that simply wearing a tabard will change my mind, Brother Plainswander, you are sorely mistaken. So very, very mistaken.
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88 Tauren Druid
-grunts- Abominus.. Miss Red has already told you numerous times.. I do wish you would just give it up..
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100 Tauren Shaman
We have been pleased to invite a few into our fold this past week. But we still seek more. Come and help us build our strength and our future.
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87 Troll Hunter
*looks at the announcement*

Looks like dere be some space.

*pulls out a quill and adds something in small print*

You be tired after a long day's hunt? You want some rest, but have to take care of your animals before you can relax? Relax earlier! Join Ishnu por Ah and leave the animals to Zakutazzar. He will look after them and feed them while you relax and get some rest. If they misbehave, they be sent to Chomps. He will make sure they behave.

*In even smaller print*
Disclaimer: Ishnu por Ah is not liable for any pets that are missing in action, dead, or have bite/bruise marks on them. Pets will be taken care of when I am available. This is not a 24 hour service. In addition, pets will be placed in training so they can patrol Mulgore and help with critter population control. By joining Ishnu por Ah, you allow this troll to put them to work.
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100 Undead Priest
I always read her name as "Re-Dearth". It all makes sense now.
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