I'm looking for some raiders, who know what they're doing but have alts who need some action too. Looking to knock around some of the earlier progression bosses and pickup gears from week to week at tentatively 5:30PM Tuesdays server time (this is still slightly flexible on day/time). This is a recurring run that we'll be doing; no guild joining requirements etc. Mats will be needed though, they may be alts but they need flasks/food/pots too!

Tanks: 1
Healers: 1
DPS: 1 melee, 2 ranged

Loot will be open roll at first, with a few minor rules until we get regular attendance. For example healers get priority on spirit gear. If you have any questions about that, feel free to ask in advance. Obviously if you already won something, the next piece will be given to someone else unless they've all gotten one etc etc. Disputes will obviously be resolved by the master looter who has the final call. This should be pretty standard stuff if you have a raiding main.

BoEs will be given to people who will equip them, and sold off in the AH with gold being sent to the attendees if not needed. If someone in the raid wishes to buy it we will sell it to them for 50% of the current AH price, and divide up that money among the attendees.

I have a good core group to get started with, but I need some more bodies to proceed, along with some alternates for the inevitable no-shows.

If interested send an in-game-mail to Arturya with your class, spec, and furthest boss killed.