SoE Guild Directory


100 Night Elf Hunter
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Momentum
Guild Type: Leveling / Social. Casual RP/PVP/Raiding
Contacts: Jadelilly (GM) , Dreadthorn, Draketh
Web site:
Recruiting: (Yes or No) Always. All levels welcome.
Information: Momentum is a family Friendly guild that has been around since Vanilla in one form or another. We work together to complete achievements, dungeons and raids. We have members of all skill levels but most importantly do not allow judgement on each other. IF all you want to do is Dress a character in high level gear just to pick flowers without getting killed then we will help you achieve that goal :)
Look us up - join and have fun !
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Titanus Dextra
Guild Type: (PvE / Raiding, PvP, Roleplaying, Social)
Contacts: Synalae (GM), Faunafalen, Elunous, Karella
Web site:
Recruiting: (Yes or No) All Levels/classes/races welcome
Information: New to the Server, strong emphasis on social PvE atm. PvP always welcome and would love to get a PvP team started.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Heroes and Scholars
Guild Type: PvE, Raiding, Social
Contacts: Bellarosa
Web site: we have one, but we don't use it
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Our doors are always open for adults, ages 21+, we are a friendly group of lively chatters and casual raiders. Now with 25% less gnome!!
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90 Night Elf Druid
The post above should have been made with this avatar :-)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Went ahead and updated the list.

I did notice that the posts are taking a bit to show the changes o,O I'll make sure to keep checking to make sure they stuck.
Customer Service Forum MVP || AMV Foro de Servicio al Cliente
"Allegría, come un lampo di vita. Allegría~"
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90 Draenei Paladin
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Questionable Content
Guild Type: PVE, Raiding, Social
Contacts: Lynxae, Medíc, Cokelady
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: QC is a drama-free, adult-oriented, and friendly guild looking to round out our raiding groups since a few of our raiders went on hiatus at the beginning of the new expac.
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90 Human Paladin
Moved servers.
Edited by Arynessa on 2/25/2014 5:36 PM PST
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100 Troll Druid
Deleted. No longer part of this guild and name not the same.
Edited by Cynringer on 2/21/2014 11:28 PM PST
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I'm not sure if this thread is being managed anymore, but I'm going to add DMP as being currently active.

Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Dead Mans Party
Guild Type: Social Raiding Guild
Contacts: Droxine, Kalbaras, Burninrain (and any online members of raid council and above)
Web site: (not sure if website is active)
Recruiting: Yes
Raider Information: We are currently looking for mostly healers and tanks to fill out our weekend ToT raids. Raids are currently at 6PM server on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Our primary raid leader, Droxine, is in a situation where she has to leave some time through the run. (About at the second boss) At this time either I or Sturmtiger (friend of the guild) will pick up lead and a replacement will be needed for Droxine.
While we will take tanks or healers of any class; the dps we are willing to take in and on standby are Rogues, Priests, Druids, Deathknights, Hunters, Paladins, and Monks. Druids, Deathknights, and Hunters are on a lower priority list for intake.
Social Information: We will take in Social members into the guild regularly as well. Everyone has a chance to try and progress as we have very helpful/friendly members. We do hold events for Casual players when we can get enough people interested. Normally one of these would be doing Firelands.
Edited by Burninrain on 9/7/2013 2:58 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: The Rokk
Guild Type: Social
Contacts: Naturamoon (GM) - Rainawolf (Capt) - Kithkannan (Capt)
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: The Rokk is a laid back guild that is always looking for new members all classes and levels. We are working on a regular raid group, dates and times have not been set yet. We are family friendly. Our guild has been around since BC,. We are one crazy family, so hit us up. We also have Vent!
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90 Human Paladin
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Blackwood Saints
Guild Type: Social,Casual PvE,Casual PvP, Casual Raiding
Contacts: Nakia, Thurabrand, Anora, Dista
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Blackwood Saints have been a Guild since Vanilla, we are one of the oldest guilds on Sisters of Elune.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Army of Altness
Guild Type: Leveling Guild, Social, Casual PvP and Casual but Determined Raiding - Including old content for Mogs and the fun of it!
Contacts: Confido (GM), Eliax (Asst. GM), Werdna, Vargerlex, Andrityl, Brandell, Ænthor, Mistryl, Maggymay - contact any online member for a general invite, talk to any of the named above for Raiding.
Web site:
Recruiting: Always!

General Information: As the name and type imply, we are a virtual army. Looking for an active guild where people are actually online and... gasp....talking to each other? This is the place to land. (It's not unusual to log in on a Tuesday night to find close to 40 people online! Sisters of Elune is NOT DEAD!)

We try to keep things light and friendly and family oriented. We have lot's of families, couples and irl friends in our ranks (GM and Asst. GM are husband and wife). And, of course, you are welcome to bring your alts.

We run guild contests and Fun Runs, help is available for invasions and trap groups. We have vent, we have pvpers and we have lot's of folks who regularly run older content for gold and mogs.

Raid Information: We currently have a core team doing progression Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 5 pm server. We maintain a team of Casual/Alts that can sub in as needed, that may eventually become a second raid team, if enough tanks and healers can become permanent.

Given the flexible nature of Normal and Heroic, we always have room for more. Come and see if we are what you're looking for. If you'd like more information on how we operate our raids, find us in-game or visit our website.

Edit: As of April 2015, we are actively recruiting for our raid team. We are looking for several dps, prefer ranged but will consider all. We are also looking for tanks with dps off-specs, who can sub in when main tanks can't make it, or who can main tank a second team. Healers with viable dps off-specs also considered. Give us a shout out!
Edited by Eliax on 4/2/2015 7:12 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Priest
Faction: Alliance

Guild Name: Knights of the Two Moons

Guild Type: Roleplaying, Social, PvE, Casual PvP, Casual raiding (with enough members)

Contacts: Dolaan (GM), Cerithan, Warthus

Web site:

Recruiting: Always! All classes and levels welcome!

Information: We are a social guild that encourages its members to follow whatever they enjoy most: PvE, PvP, RP. As we get more members, we will be engaging in casual raiding.
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100 Draenei Priest
Also, <Order of the Moon> disbanded.
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100 Undead Warlock
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Frangia Divisione
Guild Type: Leveling, PVP, PVE, RP,Social
Contacts: Shaxspere, Flutia
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Small Guild ATM, but looking to expand. May be few in numbers, but we make up for it in experience. Most guild members have been playing since BC or WotLK.
Edited by Shaxspere on 7/5/2014 12:30 PM PDT
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Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Ghostfang Broptherhood
Guild Type: PvE / Raiding, Social
Contacts: Dvorake, Fatel, Kradz
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes, open recuritment is upon us again.
Information: Refer to website
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91 Undead Priest
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Dirty Little Horde
Guild Type: Social
Contacts: Any online member
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: A mostly adult casual friendly guild. Help as much as we can and raid when possible. Occasionally run old content for achieves and mog gear though we haven't done it in awhile. Just a great group of people who like to have fun.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Update that Crimson Masquerade is fairly disbanded save for a few alts/story holders.
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: The Darkfury Coalition
Guild Type: RP
Contacts: Zaelyra
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes- general rank and leadership roles
Information: We are a med-heavy, multi faction RP guild. We are passionate about building an RP community of quality RP and strong story lines within SoE. Check out our website to see what we are all about!
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100 Tauren Hunter
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Thunderhorn Tribe
Guild Type: PvE / Raiding, PvP, Roleplaying, Social
Contacts: Soniati (GM)
Recruiting: Yes
Web site:
Information: Tauren centered, but all races and levels welcomed.
Edited by Soniati on 7/16/2015 4:15 PM PDT
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