Sisters of Elune

17 Blood Elf Hunter
Hello, I'm new to this game and server but that don't matter,

I just have a question about this RP server, why is there almost no RP going on at all ?

Also whats the population on this server?
Edited by Len on 3/2/2011 1:56 AM PST
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I'm not an RPer or anything, but... From what I've read here and seen its pretty much dead.
However, I did RP one shot someone one time, it was a crit :D
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Actually there are alot out there. Most of them use other boards though. This one is a good start for networking.

However feel to explore and ask. Look forward to seeing you about the realm
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Yeah, a lot of the RP that flourished on SoE is gone, but it's not entirely missing. People still RP here, though for a newer character it'll be challenging. I think a lot of people who are arguing that RP still exists have characters established from server start, myself included. It's harder for a new character to squeeze him/herself into the scene that hasn't recently been open and friendly for RP.

The server's just changed in general. People have moved to other servers, some quit RPing to raid (temporarily or otherwise), some are on hiatus for other reasons. SoE basically had 13 different plastic surgeries in the 4 years it's been up, so it's barely recognizable, but there's still a RP server underneath. I promise.

My suggestion? Keep trying. There -are- still phenomenal RPers on this server. RP with everyone and anyone you meet. I mean, what do you have to lose even if they don't respond?
Edited by Aristanna on 3/2/2011 10:08 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Rock on Aristanna!
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23 Undead Warrior
Thumbs up for what Aristanna said. Just last night I was out in Silverpine, stirring up trouble with spiders, and a very interesting troll fortuneteller happened along. We had an interesting conversation about Sylvanas and the state of Horde politics, and I saw what I'm positive is the most creative use of shaman spells in RP that I've seen!

So yes, RP is here. Keep a positive attitude, be respectful of other RPers and their styles, and just get out there and be IC, and you will find it.

Edit: If you want to network with other RPers, the SoE boards Mene mentioned are a great place to do so.
Edited by Malisant on 3/2/2011 11:26 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I agree with the advice above. There are indeed plenty of RPers on the server, and plenty of RP guilds. The best thing to do is RP to find RP. Despite an insanely busy RL, I've personally found many quality folks to interact with that way, and most love to interact with other RPers.

Many of us congregate in RP guilds, too, and have many RP friends, so finding one person might find you a whole bunch more.

Happy playing. :)
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