Blizzcon 2009 attendees? need to find a photo

85 Troll Druid
Hello everyone, I am trying to find some photos that were posted when the old forums were still up with the group of Cenarion Circle folks that were at the 2009 blizzcon. We met out in the lobby area and there were a host of photos taken. Aislinana, Mirkanesh, Noktwar and the like were there as well as my self and a couple fellow guildies (I was Grimes, Darba and Kamirae were there as well).

If anyone know where I might find these photos, that would be great! Especially if someone who created the original post is still around.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
There are four pictures from the 09 Blizzcon on the Facebook page for Cenarion Circle:!/group.php?gid=2214081220&v=photos

I didn't take any at the meet in 09, so I cant' help you there. :-/
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85 Night Elf Hunter
I need to attend Blizzcon soon.

Maybe this year, think it would be quite fun.

Of course, I would probably have to attend anonymously.

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85 Troll Druid
With a quick check, I found the 09 photos are still hosted where Nokt hosted them in the original post following the con.

The front-area meetup photos begin from this link. The previous 2 pages also have some con photos Nokt took, but you seemed to be looking for the meetup stuff specifically.

Hope you find the photo you wanted.

Aside: I'm a little sad I can only match faces to names on about a quarter of the meetup people in the staircase pics. Wish I could remember more.
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