Open Horde weekly RP event.

86 Blood Elf Paladin
We at the Broken House don't visit these forums nearly often enough. We would like to invite you to join us though on Sunday evenings at 7PM server to come enjoy a storytelling. You can even bring your own stories to tell.

We are on the third tier of Thunder Bluff every Sunday evening and we enjoy meeting new Rpers as well as ones that have been around the server for a long time. We try to maintain and open and friendly atmosphere as well.

Come and join us!

When: Sunday Night, 7PM Server
Where: Thunder Bluff, third tier.
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90 Troll Druid
What sort of storytelling is it. The Alliance had a thread about a similar deal in Darnassus and it made me jealous. :P

I'd love to know a little bit more.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Well it is an open floor, anyone is welcome to tell a story, or a poem or sing a song. We prefer for it to stay WoW related and prefer original writings but do allow some reciting as long as you site the original author and it is not too long. We start at seven and stories are told for about an hour to an hour and half deepening on how many people have something to share that night. Afterwords we do hang around for open Rp as well.

For some history behind it, I don't know if you remember the Crimson Phalanx or not, but they were once a big military style Rp guild on this server, when they disbanded many of their members joined the Broken House. They started the story telling way back when and we, to honor the Crimson Phalanx, have sponsored it since they disbanded.

If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask. We would love to have more people come and enjoy the tellings.
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90 Troll Druid
This sounds really neat. My biggest problem is remembering new events on unusual days/times. I went ahead and made a a note in our MotD, so maybe we can bring a couple new faces to the gathering.

See you there (if I can manage to not forget). I'm really excited about this. ^^
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
WE look forward to seeing you there!
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I really enjoyed the event and I look forward to more visits to Thunder Bluff on Sunday evenings. Thank you for hosting storytelling and being open to non-guild participants.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
03/20/2011 7:47 PMPosted by Rongar
I really enjoyed the event and I look forward to more visits to Thunder Bluff on Sunday evenings. Thank you for hosting storytelling and being open to non-guild participants.

I am so glad you enjoyed it! We look forward to seeing you again!
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