City RP, Government, and Lack Thereof.

85 Blood Elf Warlock
This isn't news to anyone, Silvermoon City as well as other cities have issues with villains and such, some are even bred within the city walls and end up trying to raise a demon lord in their precious addiction-source.

But I digress. Maybe it's me complaining, maybe it's just time it was addressed. Since when is it "okay" for people to talk openly and/or commit criminal activity in public?

It's not. It's actually really, really silly. I found Silvermoon City is the worst, with you know, people getting pummeled in front of guards, talk of deviant acts in front of guards, etc. And yet, nothing is done. No repercussions are had by characters committing those crimes openly.

So, what's the deal? Last I checked, Silvermoon City was run by the Horde and more importantly by perfection-inspiring Blood Elves. It's a recovering -dictatorship-. It's not simply or logically, for that matter, going to let criminals run amuck.

Now, now, I'm not saying villains shouldn't exist. Nor am I saying we should have a LolRPGovernment (We know that doesn't work so great.) But, I mean.. this isn't "Escape from L.A." or "Gangs of New York" where the city is in chaos and people are gallivanting around pissing in each others' cheerios.

But.. use your brains, people. Go work out your meticulous, evil plans in a discreet locale. Commit your acts at least masked and not near a gaggle-ton of armed guards. If your character does, show some sort of, I don't know, logistics with them talking to guards to get off scott-free. Or go to court with it. I'm pretty sure if this was accurate portrayal of the city, Garrosh would just have the place swarmed with Kor'kron since apparently the Silvermoon Guards are twirling their hair.

So, yeah. Plot accordingly. Party on?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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85 Undead Priest
03/01/2011 10:18 AMPosted by Kalico
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

For those that don't remember and/or don't feel like looking it up: "Who will guard the guards themselves?"

And given my thoughts already posted on this matter on another forum, I'll wait until I see discussion here before I both adding my $0.02
Edited by Juliann on 3/1/2011 12:20 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Yeah ^^; Got done reading Digital Fortress... found the quote eerily appropriate.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Ellorah does have a point; some of the kinds of things that go on just wouldn't openly happen in in the city. And as I've said elsewhere, there's plenty of indication from NPCs as to what the city should "feel" like.

Criminal-types and bad guys are quite fine, and can lead to interesting things. But you walk a thin line when you try to combat things like this. If you make any sort of organization to "play along" and fight them, then you, too, fall prey to the same standards.

If you do nothing, then perhaps you're not acknowledging someone attempting to roleplay who perhaps doesn't know or realize what the deal really is with Sin'dorei and Quel'thalas. In most cases, I'd say give someone the benefit of the doubt on that... once.

In the end, a mark of a good roleplayer is one that has their characters have some sort of accountability for their actions. It's like playing DOOM with the God Mode cheat if you don't, and while that can be fun, it also gets old really quick because things lose their challenge.

Other than that, folks are just using WoW as their own personal anime or game of RISK. It's their sub fee every month, so let 'em. The only thing we really can control in game is our own character, so that's what's to focus on. You can either use it for your own character's development ("Wow... even the guards feel sorry for the deranged. They won't even bother throwing him/her in jail again.") or simply ignore it (Player: "We're with ____ organization and we're here to assassinate you." You: ((No, but thanks.)) )

If you give to the politics and bickering that usually comes with ingame power struggles, however, it does nothing more but add fuel to the fire, and weakens the community.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/1/2011 12:51 PM PST
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