Battleground que times

85 Blood Elf Hunter
How are they for the horde?

I am thinking about transferring but I like to PVP and I do not know how much goes on here, I am also getting into roleplaying and that is my main reason for transferring.
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30 Troll Warrior
Terrible. Also the Horde has enough LOLPVPERZ.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
Back to the shadows with thee, troll!

Now then, hello Nero. I venture into BGs only once in awhile, so I'm not the best person to judge queue times. However, I asked some friends of mine who do battlegrounds regularly and they said that the wait time is not bad. One person said they're about 3-7 minutes in the evenings.

Glad to hear you're getting into roleplaying! As it is, SoE's Hordeside has been trying to resuscitate walk-up RP, and one of the best ways to do this is to welcome new players into our midst. If you find yourself rolling an alt to check out the environment before you transfer (which I highly recommend doing), I suggest looking into the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar or the Bazaar in Silvermoon, as that's where the random RP is happenin' these days. Don't forget to also pop into the HordeOOC channel and say hello!

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03/03/2011 8:01 AMPosted by Kamehameha
Terrible. Also the Horde has enough LOLPVPERZ.

Sounds like someone is mad =(
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