An open call to roleplayers on SoE (UPDATED)

90 Blood Elf Paladin
It’s a secret to everyone.

RP has gone underground on SoE for whatever reasons. People are tucked away, comfy in guilds and with their circles. New folks who want to RP are having a hard time coming in, and folks who are old-timers on server are having issues launching new characters they’ve worked hard to develop.

This needs to end.

Those of us that have been here for a long time can tell you stories of how this was once a land of RP opportunity that you simply cannot fathom. We were WrA before it existed, essentially. Not knocking them or those that left, but some of us love it here. We don’t want to have to leave to find RP. We don’t want to have to be quiet because we don’t fit an ideal.

You should not have to hide roleplay on a roleplay server, and (within reason) you shouldn’t have to apologize for having a character be as he or she is. You wouldn’t roll on a PvP server and expect someone from the opposite faction to apologize for ganking you, would you? Nope. You’d expect it.

People should expect roleplay on an RP server. Participation is not required, but those who wish to should feel free to do so.

All the organizations and meetings and campfire sing-a-longs aren’t fixing things. Sequestering roleplay to guilds isn’t fixing things. So… what will?

You will.

I am by no means attempting to make any committee, organize anything under my control or have anyone really perform something at my discretion. I am, however, requesting the participation of people who actually care about the creativity, overall purpose of this server (since it’s… you know… an RP server), and community in general.

Thus, I am asking that all roleplayers on Sisters of Elune, Horde side, specifically travel to Orgrimmar this weekend (05/06-05/08/11).

While you are there, regardless of what you are doing (waiting for queues, getting dailies done, leveling your profs, or just hanging out), be in character. RP walk. Emote. Talk to others as your character would. Interact with anyone and everyone, regardless of what happens.

If you came here to roleplay and you miss it or you’re dismayed at what’s happening, change it by roleplaying.

Now… it doesn’t stop with Org. Stay IC the entire weekend. Make a point to emote and /say with folks you don’t know. If they don’t respond, so be it. But you keep being you… or you continue on with your character, as it might be.

I ask that we start this on Friday, and don’t let up.

Now, this might go nowhere. And that’s fine. But… those that do nothing are just as guilty as those that do things to purposefully ruin the fun and creativity of others. I’m not gonna be either.

Do your thing, people. Don’t let anyone stop you.

Edited by Bellamuerte on 5/5/2011 7:27 PM PDT
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I hereby declare my undying support for this.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Third'd. Time for some Random RP Action.
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85 Tauren Druid
-Cracks knuckles- Let's get this party started!
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85 Undead Rogue
My support is also declared. :>
Edited by Budokaii on 2/24/2011 12:00 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
My only dilemma is which character to bring.

Put the past behind us and our best RP shoes forward. :D
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82 Human Rogue
Rock on! I'll be there in some form or another on my hordies.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Just wanted to pop in and say - if you don't have one yet, download an RP addon. My favorite right now is total rp 2 (trp2, you can find it over on and/or wowinterface or other addon wbsites). It has literally *everything* you could possibly want in an addon - personality descriptions, mount and companion description and naming options and more. The only downside is that it doesn't cross over with things like Flag or Myroleplay but.. I've used all 3 add-ons, and frankly I think this is far and above the best =).

Why have an rp addon? Usually, it's the fastest way to ID another rper/rp friendly person, but they also let you write down descriptions of your character that the player avatar cannot convey, such as tattoos, scars, jewelry, etc. It basically gives you more for your character to work with, and generally more enjoyment for the player =).
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Oh yeah...I can do this.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Outstanding idea Bella. Bravo!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I picture'd an Uncle Sam poster with Bella on it.

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84 Blood Elf Death Knight
*puts on her sexiest armor *
Count me in! This is why I <3 Bella and Kallico :P
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
This is actually all her idea x3
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100 Tauren Shaman
/Shows some loves for the rp'ers GO gettem :D
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Since this thread is here, and since you mentioned Wyrmrest Accord, I'll take a few minutes to tell you about how my day went, and hopefully add to the enthusiasm this idea is showing.

So I was curious about the Death Knight questline and if it had seen any changes since the release of Cataclysm and the supposed death of the Lich King, but sadly, no there were no changes made. (except for the addition of worgen and goblin npc's in the chapel side hall for execution)

Anyways, I went to the list of servers to pick out a test-subject for my new investigation and oddly enough I had a level one "interview character" already on Wyrmrest from last year when I was "looking around" for solid RP. So, I went with it as it was a fast selection. Out of randomness and a twitch of interest, I picked a troll female, perhaps because I like their laugh, but regardless, there I was entering what I had originally planned to be a quick view of anything new, but what I saw was inspiring and kept me on the server for a good 2-3 hours.

To be expected, the DK starting zone had many new toons popping out of thin air, but what was interesting was that most of them had the MyRoleplay addon <and> already filled out with unique truly indepth descriptions and stories. I mean, wow... you don't often see people so excited about RP that the first thing they do when they roll a character is pour their creativity into filling out their description. These people did that.

I was impressed and I certainly didn't want to leave mine blank, even if it was just a test character. So I went to work and in 5-10 minutes I had something substantial for people to read. But... not to devote this post to RP addons, the fact of the matter is, from that point on, all these people were incharacter during the questline and expressing the darkness and corruption that is what DK's are supposed to have suffered from. They were laughing as they killed things, doing emotes of gruesome efficiency that you'd think they were part of a movie or something. It was just... wow.

So further on down, my troll kicked Tirion in the balls and I made it to Orgrimmar to find what I can only describe as "The Emerald City" of RP. You know the phrase "Everybody and their mother/grandmother/sister has it"?? Well you guessed it, 90% of the people I saw in Orgrimmar were walking around RPing, with or without addons. In the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, in the middle of this smoke-laden city, there were people roleplaying as peace-keepers outside the bank, people discussing somewhat privately (off to the side), but publicly, their plans for the day: their plans, as people, real people in a world that these players are creating. I couldn't resist not taking this chance to do what I love in such a thriving environment.

But eventually I had to log out. I went over things in my mind as to what could be done to bolster the RP back on SoE, the server that has been my home since 2009. It's gonna take some work, some passion, and some solid effort. We can totally do this. We can make SoE a pinnacle of what RP should be. Don't let them over on Wyrmrest have all the fun. I mean, they're already posting on our forums to let us know how great and happening things are over there. We gotta get this party started. Even now, as some may be reading my post, people could be thinking, "Eh, I'll just roll on Wyrmrest because it's already thriving." I hope *crosses fingers* that such doesn't happen. We can make Sisters an even better Emerald City. We really can.

I'm glad you got this started Bella. It's gonna be an interesting weekend.
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82 Human Rogue
Aeral, that's exactly how I felt when I tried playing over on Wyrmrest. There's a ton of RP on both sides, but I'd rather help Sisters get back to that point rather than abandon it for greener pastures.

I've also found that after you spend some time on a server with a huge RPer population, it can actually be a bit overwhelming. So many stories and so many possibilities - and sometimes it's not quite the goldmine it might seem to be.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Bumping for a reminder for those who may have missed it.

This is a change of how we, the Horde RP community, are. Hopefully it can positively impact how we are for a long time to come.

I look forward to seeing you all about, be it on Bella or another character. :3
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
12+ hours of being IC.

15 pick-up/walk-up RPs.

And that was just Friday.

AWESOME job and turnout tonight! Thank you ALL for the RP, and I'll see you all tomorrow (just maybe not on Bells ;) )!

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37 Goblin Rogue
Was there for a short cameo. Saw Gamon get whipped up.
Will be there tonight.
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