A day in the unlife

    11:59 p.m.: open eyes
    12:00 a.m.: exhume bug parts, sort bug parts into seventeen discreet piles, according to size, texture, and personality
    12:30 a.m.: sharpen knives
    3:00 a.m.: walk around sleeping area. Make sure no grass has grown inside perimeter while I wasn't paying attention
    3:10 a.m.: try to remember where I put my book
    3:45 a.m.: try to remember how to read my book
    4:00 a.m.: put the squirrel down, and pick up the book instead. try to read that.
    6:00 a.m.: belatedly apologize to squirrel
    6:05 a.m.: put knives in sheathes, put on armor, start walking
    6:10 a.m.: ask everyone I meet if they have any work for me to do, also, pick flowers
    8:00 a.m.: if work has been secured, go do it. try not to get to much blood on my knives. Collect likely objects while working.
    12:00 p.m.: stop
    12:30 p.m.: go
    12:45 p.m.: buy string
    1:00 p.m.: return to my area, sweep it for hidden devices, unwarranted moisture, and sudden cases of twig
    2:00 p.m.: pick up diary, write
    2:30 p.m.: put down squirrel, apologize, pick up correct diary, write
    4:00 p.m. clean squirrel
    4:30 p.m.: collect all bugs within a 100 meter distance from area, remove legs. Tie thorax and head on string, throw string in lake. Add legs and other parts to piles, according to size, texture, and personality.
    5:00 p.m.: place likely objects in hole to see if they fit. Keep trying to fill hole until the days objects are exhausted.
    6:00 p.m.: look for string
    7:00 p.m.: make note to buy more string tomorrow
    7:10 p.m.: clean knives and armor
    8:00 p.m.: walk perimeter of area, checking to see that the stars are in the right place, and not underneath it. Make sure nobody is watching me.
    9:00 p.m.: Take old robes out of box. Run claws gently over the weave. Carefully clean any mildew or other stains and patch up any new holes.
    11:00 p.m.: offer hay to horse (dead), remember it doesn't eat, kick it instead
    11:15 p.m.: clean out horses (dead) area.
    11:20 p.m.: hide diary, so nobody can read it.
    11:30 p.m.: take squirrel out of hiding place, apologize, put correct diary into hiding place.
    11:45 p.m.: plant sorted bug parts in new hole, hope for better harvest tomorrow
    11:58 p.m.: lay down, close eyes, sleep
Edited by Dolmund on 2/25/2011 1:54 PM PST
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100 Undead Warrior
Thisss ssschedule meetsss with our approval, yesss.
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