Look, to fellow rpers..How many of you want to just have all the rp here up and die? Seriously?
For the Alliance side(which I mainly play on) I've noticed these few things.
HIDING from griefers, and trolls..Where does that get you? What does it show them?
~That we can be walked all over. That one comment, will make us flee. Stand up for for yourself, and your rp buddies. Just straight up ignore them, and keep trucking through your fun. If they don't like it, not your problem..They joined a rp server.~
Ignoring new comers to the server, just because you are afraid they may have lore messed up, or just for a stupid childish reason.
~Pushes them off the server. They could be a really good rper, or someone looking to learn how to rp. FIRST impressions last a while, and can make our home look bad.~
More fun events?
~Storytelling is a nice event, it's a nice gathering to see fellow rpers, but bring a new thing to the mix of it. I've seen on other servers, they have IC lore lessons for storytelling. That could help new comers, or the Lorebuffs just show off what they know, and love.
~The Tankard night, is a very, very, very nice thing, along with the Scouts, but..What about during the day time. There are many nice places in SW where we can make a meeting spot for those who are burned out on leveling, questing, or anything, and just have random encounters.
Examples: Pick a Tavern in Stormwind for people to take a break.
The Command Center, where the training dummies are. Have recruits, or the rookies of guilds whack on one as apart of their training. And have someone a higher ranking who is bored as well "teach" them tricks.
~~~~~~~I love the Alliance on this server, it is my home, but we need to pick it back up. bring what we love back to life, and just show the trolls, and others who hate us, that we love it, and don't care~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For the Alliance side(which I mainly play on) I've noticed these few things.
HIDING from griefers, and trolls..Where does that get you? What does it show them?
~That we can be walked all over. That one comment, will make us flee. Stand up for for yourself, and your rp buddies. Just straight up ignore them, and keep trucking through your fun. If they don't like it, not your problem..They joined a rp server.~
Ignoring new comers to the server, just because you are afraid they may have lore messed up, or just for a stupid childish reason.
~Pushes them off the server. They could be a really good rper, or someone looking to learn how to rp. FIRST impressions last a while, and can make our home look bad.~
More fun events?
~Storytelling is a nice event, it's a nice gathering to see fellow rpers, but bring a new thing to the mix of it. I've seen on other servers, they have IC lore lessons for storytelling. That could help new comers, or the Lorebuffs just show off what they know, and love.
~The Tankard night, is a very, very, very nice thing, along with the Scouts, but..What about during the day time. There are many nice places in SW where we can make a meeting spot for those who are burned out on leveling, questing, or anything, and just have random encounters.
Examples: Pick a Tavern in Stormwind for people to take a break.
The Command Center, where the training dummies are. Have recruits, or the rookies of guilds whack on one as apart of their training. And have someone a higher ranking who is bored as well "teach" them tricks.
~~~~~~~I love the Alliance on this server, it is my home, but we need to pick it back up. bring what we love back to life, and just show the trolls, and others who hate us, that we love it, and don't care~~~~~~~~~~~~~~