Rp is dead, in general here.(Alliance)

2 Gnome Priest
Look, to fellow rpers..How many of you want to just have all the rp here up and die? Seriously?

For the Alliance side(which I mainly play on) I've noticed these few things.

HIDING from griefers, and trolls..Where does that get you? What does it show them?
~That we can be walked all over. That one comment, will make us flee. Stand up for for yourself, and your rp buddies. Just straight up ignore them, and keep trucking through your fun. If they don't like it, not your problem..They joined a rp server.~

Ignoring new comers to the server, just because you are afraid they may have lore messed up, or just for a stupid childish reason.
~Pushes them off the server. They could be a really good rper, or someone looking to learn how to rp. FIRST impressions last a while, and can make our home look bad.~

More fun events?
~Storytelling is a nice event, it's a nice gathering to see fellow rpers, but bring a new thing to the mix of it. I've seen on other servers, they have IC lore lessons for storytelling. That could help new comers, or the Lorebuffs just show off what they know, and love.

~The Tankard night, is a very, very, very nice thing, along with the Scouts, but..What about during the day time. There are many nice places in SW where we can make a meeting spot for those who are burned out on leveling, questing, or anything, and just have random encounters.
Examples: Pick a Tavern in Stormwind for people to take a break.
The Command Center, where the training dummies are. Have recruits, or the rookies of guilds whack on one as apart of their training. And have someone a higher ranking who is bored as well "teach" them tricks.

~~~~~~~I love the Alliance on this server, it is my home, but we need to pick it back up. bring what we love back to life, and just show the trolls, and others who hate us, that we love it, and don't care~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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21 Night Elf Warrior
Very true. The RP is very cliquish and dead here. I loved it years ago when I used to be on this server, but when I've returned, it looked to be all is lost. I've been horribly disrespected on this server, and I'm still transferring all of my alts from this server to another server.

I couldn't believe it. They should just make this server a Normal server. Felt like a waste of time because I was ignored in the few events they have, and some of the ones I knew in RPChatter channel are very rude to newcomers.
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2 Gnome Priest
To add to more ideas as I said above...

PVP RP groups, or leveling groups.

Make an alt, go on an alt, or a main. Get in a party with random people you haven't ever encountered before. And just meet on the battle field. Weather it be an instance, weather it be your level, or you are a 85 going into Scholomance. Just have fun with it, meet the newer people, spread your character around. Heck a rp raid into Kara would be fun at the Chess event.

~ ~ <3 Ianthie's lil forum gnome posting thingy-mer-bob gnome girl thing. I have ideas, and if anyone wants to try to get some going, just tell me. <3 yall.

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2 Gnome Priest
Very true. The RP is very cliquish and dead here. I loved it years ago when I used to be on this server, but when I've returned, it looked to be all is lost. I've been horribly disrespected on this server, and I'm still transferring all of my alts from this server to another server.

I couldn't believe it. They should just make this server a Normal server. Felt like a waste of time because I was ignored in the few events they have, and some of the ones I knew in RPChatter channel are very rude to newcomers.

Sadly I've seen that, even when I was sorta of new. As I said people, first impressions last, and there is an example. Sorry to hear that you are leaving, it's really sad, and messed up. I hope what ever server you go to makes you feel at home.
Edited by Pixiel on 2/28/2011 11:35 AM PST
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90 Night Elf Warrior

Hmmm. Well I cant argue with some of the points here since some are valid. Yes its hard to see a new face (though its something I have made a personal choice about addressing) and interact with them (Because keeping up with Say and Emotes at the Tavern is especially hard) can take time because of commitments made and muddling through one's current RP all I can say is it takes time. Of course I can only speak for myself and what I do.

As far as the rest (and that is something I also addressed on another board). What are you prepared to do? Its easy to sit and point and say "That could be better" and its true. Some things can be refined and one should always open to suggestion. But These two events 'Story Telling and the Tavern) are either supported or directly hosted by UC. One guild. What are the other guilds doing?

I know Clockwerk has their Fishing Excursion (Go Daphne) and there are the Scouts (an independent org. Not a guild). But other that SoE What else are you doing?

What are the other RP guilds contributing? We here in the trenches are working at it. What have the other RPers and PR guilds offering? Lets see a show of hands.

Events are just a catalyst for meeting ICly. Getting one RPer to meet another. Its up to the individual to make the rest happen if they even bother to speak to anyone there. You are responsible for your RP to happen.

So there are RPers here and I have seen new RP guilds being advertised in chat. One must reach out. And if you want something new at such events...then bring it to the table. Don't just sit there and wait for it to happen. Be a part of the process. Not just a armchair RPer.

Also as I have stated before (On another thread) I have committed myself for taking strolls in Darnassus. during the evening( when I am free) just looking for random interaction. Come see me. Or anybody for that matter. Instead of talking about what is wrong with the server lets talk about what CAN be done. I did see the suggestion made and they are good. Move on them folks.

RP chatter...never been in there I've heard good and bad things about is so for me the jury is still out. Love new RPers. Its fun to coach them up and watch them take off.

Have fun with it and see you all about the realm.
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2 Gnome Priest
Hmmm. Well I cant argue with some of the points here since some are valid. Yes its hard to see a new face (though its something I have made a personal choice about addressing) and interact with them (Because keeping up with Say and Emotes at the Tavern is especially hard) can take time because of commitments made and muddling through one's current RP all I can say is it takes time. Of course I can only speak for myself and what I do.

As far as the rest (and that is something I also addressed on another board). What are you prepared to do? Its easy to sit and point and say "That could be better" and its true. Some things can be refined and one should always open to suggestion. But These two events 'Story Telling and the Tavern) are either supported or directly hosted by UC. One guild. What are the other guilds doing?

I know Clockwerk has their Fishing Excursion (Go Daphne) and there are the Scouts (an independent org. Not a guild). But other that SoE What else are you doing?

What are the other RP guilds contributing? We here in the trenches are working at it. What have the other RPers and PR guilds offering? Lets see a show of hands.

Events are just a catalyst for meeting ICly. Getting one RPer to meet another. Its up to the individual to make the rest happen if they even bother to speak to anyone there. You are responsible for your RP to happen.

So there are RPers here and I have seen new RP guilds being advertised in chat. One must reach out. And if you want something new at such events...then bring it to the table. Don't just sit there and wait for it to happen. Be a part of the process. Not just a armchair RPer.

Also as I have stated before (On another thread) I have committed myself for taking strolls in Darnassus. during the evening( when I am free) just looking for random interaction. Come see me. Or anybody for that matter. Instead of talking about what is wrong with the server lets talk about what CAN be done. I did see the suggestion made and they are good. Move on them folks.

RP chatter...never been in there I've heard good and bad things about is so for me the jury is still out. Love new RPers. Its fun to coach them up and watch them take off.

Have fun with it and see you all about the realm.

RPChatter is a place where most rpers go to talk OOCly, and say hey who is up for random RP. But you have some people who, yes I know, are new, are shy, don't want to deal with drama(if any at all from other players) and they just...keep to silent. I've sat back on alts, even on this thing and have seen the cliques, seen new comers be straight up ignored, pushed aside, or treated very, very rude.

Then I listed ideas, they aren't to be placed in stone, just ideas for those who want to use them for their own good. I can come up with pretty good ones, but to get them into play, when the community wont come out of their shells, or want to change(not speaking for all, just for some who may actually have fun) sort of kills any hopes of trying to do anything.

I love roleplaying, but sadly I am getting to the point with this server to where I almost give up on even putting any effort into any of it. This is after many, many, many attempts to talk about ideas then have them shot down due to remembering that many people hide, or dislike the new.

I also are speaking for a few that have tried to come to this server to get away from Moon Guard. How they felt, what they saw, and how they were treated and ignored, drove them back to Moon Guard. They would rather deal with chaos there, then be shunned for being new.

Honestly, many probably want this server to be alive with rp again, and not just some little troop of rp buddies, but as a whole, as a larger community, and that is all I was trying to say...or attempt to start up...not to be thrown down, or anything. My last post to this thread, I am tired of being bashed for just saying my thoughts on what I've seen, and people have shown their true colors. I will be also soon will be removing every character I have on this server, for how I was treated for even making this thread, when I just want to help the community as a whole. So you all take care..
Edited by Pixiel on 3/1/2011 9:09 AM PST
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15 Human Hunter
Jesus is this all this server does...is run off new comers? Can no one not see that Pixiel wants to attract more to this server. Wants to make world rp, in general more lively?

You are responsible for your RP to happen.

Seriously? I made an alt there, was told to go back to Moon Guard, or where ever I came from...that they do not like new comers. I tried to make my own RP happen, and was rejected. My lore was correct, since I am a lore buff with Night Elves, and still was told to go.

@Pixiel~ Go to Wyrmrest Accord hun, the roleplayers there are more welcoming then Sisters of Elune.
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100 Worgen Druid
Yes, come to Wyrmrest Accord.

As you know, my home server was Argent Dawn > Sisters of Elune for the free move.

*shrug* I don't want to go into background on why I left but it was because of the RP community was so disrespectful to newcomers.

So yes, I moved... and I'm moving my alts as soon as I am done creating the ones on Wyrmrest. (Most are level 60 now.)

Not only the RP community, but the some of the people there in general.

On Wyrmrest, guilds that do not roleplay have a rule that says Don't Troll RPers. You'll have more nicer people there.

My move back to Sisters of Elune was a waste. Its not fun trying to say "Hello." in a RP event and the most you may get is:

A nod and that person keeps walking.


Completely ignored because I don't look to be the type of person that would boost your in game character's ego because I outgear you.

Some of the RPers there seemed to be jealous because I'm a raider. I've seen it. I'm tired of dealing with it honestly. As for the male to female ratio on the server, I also didn't think "Hello." means that "Oh! We're dating now!" for the female. So when I say "Hello." to someone else, there's a three way brawl.

Not worth ever coming back to.

I would NOT recommend anyone going to this server for RP. EVER.
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85 Draenei Mage
You all have good points, but honestly teaming up against someone for speaking on their view of how they were treated, or how they feel. How does that make you any better then these so called trolls in the game? Being an ex-roleplayer, I can say this, pointing fingers at others, then blaming one who attempts to make a suggestion.........Come on..

Take what all Pixiel said, and then stand from his/or her point of view.(IF you can) It sounds like Pixie is from a heavy roleplaying background, and all they wish to do is point out a few things that he/she has seen or experienced. I am not saying welcome everyone with open arms, but if they make a post like this, saying that some...or in this case it seems quite a few are rude, or dislike new people.....Shouldn't that click in a few peoples head.. "Hey there is a problem, or one could start?"

With kalenia above I too, took my mage to SoE, and was treated quite rude, and I said to heck with it, and moved to a pvp server.
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85 Draenei Mage
Yes, come to Wyrmrest Accord.

I would NOT recommend anyone going to this server for RP. EVER.

Neither would I, it shouldn't even be marked as a RP server anymore.
Edited by Salaria on 3/1/2011 11:23 AM PST
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