[H] <After Dark> Recruiting for 10-man

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hey everyone,

We're looking for a few good players to round out our team. We're currently running very strong through the content, but we are relying on backups and alts to fill two raid slots to get us going on some nights. We also have a range-heavy team that we need to balance out a bit.

So what are we looking for? Well, a shaman is a must. Healing would be ideal, but melee would be great too. Any other melee DPS would work. Viable offspec roles are a big plus!

While we don't expect applicants to have seen all of the content we're working on, we do need fast learners that are already geared at least through heroic 5-mans. Ideally you'd be a pro raider who was maybe a little late to getting to 85 and missed your guild's first push through content, or maybe you're just not happy with your current setup. Be familiar with the content through strats and videos if you haven't seen the actual fights yet.

Some information about us:
<After Dark> is one of the top horde side guilds on the server. We spent a lot of time among the leaders on progression throughout LK, and we intend to kick it up even more for Cataclysm. We're a late-night guild that runs raids on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays from 9p - 12p server (PST). We offer free feasts, discounted flasks/cauldrons, free enchants wherever possible, and a friendly and accessible leadership and member roster.

We're looking for long-term folks who are going to help us push through progression content throughout the entire expansion and beyond, so we use a two-week trial to make sure it's a good fit for both parties before extending full membership.

If the above sounds appealing to you, we'd love to hear from you. Head over to weplayafterdark.com/forum and follow the recruiting links there. Alternatively, you can catch up with Taus in game or any member of AD to get some more information.
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85 Goblin Shaman
Currently our progression stands as such:

Bastion of Twilight - 5/5
Blackwing Descent - 6/6 [Normal] - 1/6 [Heroic]
Conclave of the Four Winds - 2/2

Heroic Progression - Working on Atramedes

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