Tank & Healer Duo needs a new home.

85 Night Elf Druid
Greetings Cenarion Circle Inhabitants:

My husband and I are in the process of locating a new server to transfer to. We've been on an EST (on accident) since WoW opened, and it's time to move on where we can actually play the game on our schedule.

About us: Prot Tank & Resto Druid, back from a year hiatus, relearning the new aspects of the expansion, and what our roles are as players. Ran a raiding guild for 2+ years, and are burnt out on the elitist, hardcore raiding scene, but still would like to progress, see content, with like-minded individuals.

We don't stand in fire, we research fights, we bring our own food/consumables (sometimes cookies!), and bring a little goofbally quirks along with us.

If you think your guild might have a home for us, we'd love to meet you! please respond here or email me at lisa@saevitiam.com. Thanks!
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Hi Eriu,

We are looking for tanks and healers. Our guild just started raiding. We are a laid back, friends and family guild. Pst Vhelforn or Whotay or Tartarsauce or me. Also, we looking to start a second 10 man group for raiding. Anyways,

I hope to hear from you.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I definitely will, thank you!
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85 Human Death Knight
Hey Eriu, I'm Pretty sure I sent you an E-mail but just in case, I'm sure my Guild could use some more Raiders due to us only having about Five, and could use just more people to talk to or help with planning the Raids. You can Reply to me here or just send me a E-mail at mikemike_cenarion_circle@hotmail.com.
Hoping to hear from you soon If you have not found a Guild yet.
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100 Night Elf Priest

I am not an officer, but Sanctuary Garden has lately been recruiting friendly, positive individuals for casual-minded raiding.

As our raiding situation is changing (we're stepping down from one large raid into two smaller raids due to attendance and scheduling issues), we may potentially need another healer and tank. If you have any interest or questions, please let us know here and I'll try to answer as best I can (or find someone more capable of answering your questions).

At any rate, I do hope you find what you're looking for, both in a home and in a raid. Best wishes!
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100 Undead Rogue
Come to the dark side......
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85 Human Priest
Hi Ériu,
You probably already found a new home already, but if it doesn't work out, Arcane Dragons are welcoming you. We're a relaxed friendly guild at lvl 2, looking to expand with new participants and eventually organize raids, events, etc.
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