[A] LFM 10 man raiders

85 Gnome Death Knight
We are a semi-hardcore 10 man raiding group, formed by 90% real life friends who are looking for a few more to shore up our ranks. We'd currently like to find 3 players who are interested in joining us. We aren't super picky about specs currently, as we are fine shifting around our other players to make room if we really like you.

Here are the important details:

Raid times: Tues/Thurs 6pm-9pm server time
Raid logs: http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/25133/calendar/02-11/
Progress: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/cenarion-circle/Group+One

You are also welcome to join our level 10 guild too, if you are LFG.
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great group of players, and raiders, if you're interested in solid progress, look these guys up.
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85 Gnome Death Knight
Bump! Attend our farm raid on Tuesday to be showered with purples that we'd otherwise DE!
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85 Human Mage
I have this mage and a holy pally both looking for raids. DO either tooninterest you guys>? If so, how do I apply?
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85 Gnome Death Knight
We would definitely be interested, most likely in your holy pally. I've sent you an in-game mail with some info. Thanks!
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100 Human Paladin
This is my pally... I will look for the ingame mail and get back to you. Thanks for the response.
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