HOly Pally Looking for 10 man grp

100 Human Paladin

I have all my crafted and heroic gear as well as a few other 359 pieces. All in all I'm over ilvl 350. I'm not looking to shift guild but I would like to find a regular raid. I can commit to any evening and am willing to adhere to any loot council or DKP system currently in place.

I have completed most of BWD on another toon as well as the conclave of wind encounter and the first fight in BoT. I'm very familiar with the other fights as I have studied all of the tankspot vids avail.

Please send me an ingame tell or mail... or reply here.

Thanks in advance!
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my guild could be lookin for your talents, i'll be online later tonight around 6pm server, or speak to jigadart about our raid if you'd like.
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85 Human Mage

We are currently looking for a Holy Pally and are 4/4 1/2 5/6. Nefarian will likely be going down this week. We'll hit Al'akir once, and then start on Heroic modes next week.

Few questions.

I noticed you have not been to ICC, or any of the Cata dungeons (BH excluded). How are you prepared to perform in the role of Holy Pally at the calibre we'll require? You've mentioned you've completed some content on another char, but in what capacity was this, DPS?

Will you be raiding on this other char and what impacts will it have on your availability to raid with us?

We do not use a loot council, we just give the loot to the person who can best use it.

We raid Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat but each raider raids 2-4 days according to works best with their schedule providing we get a good raid make up. Raiders can swap days with other raiders to accommodate RL stuff like parties, nights out, etc. We find this is the best way to get as much progression/practice on the content each week without hindering your social life (social waaaah?!? I know right). What do you think about this?

Enchants, Food, Flasks and Repairs are supplemented through your guild membership. (I did see that you were not looking to join a guild, could this change in the future? my ideal candidate is someone who would like to be engaged in our community. Run heroics, do achievements, shoot the sh!t,)

Your gear is sufficient but we'd have to invest time and money into getting you into full epics. Are you someone who is willing to go to the expense of enchants, gems etc. as it is expected of you by joining our team?

Each person is expected to bring 110% of themselves each day, thats knowing their char, playing to the best of their ability (staying out of fire and being where you oughtta be), flasked, repaired, on time. If you are listed as attending, you are expected to be there... on time.

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