RP Workshop - Mar. 5

100 Blood Elf Mage
Hello! Pox, a Shadow Council Horde guild, is inviting all role-players — new to the craft or well-seasoned — to join us at a role-play workshop on March 5 at 6 p.m. mountain time, Thunder Bluff bonfire.

This is not a recruitment attempt.

It is our belief that for role-play to remain a strong element of this game we need to take proactive actions that help encourage people to role-play. The workshops are just one of our efforts to foster that encouragement game-wide rather than server-wide.

Our first workshop, held in February, was promoted by WoW Insider and had a fabulous workshop. We dealt with basic emoting. This week, we're tackling character history.

We'd love to see you there.

For more information visit www.wearepox.com. The notes from our first workshop are available under Resources>RP Workshops.

While officers from Pox will try to monitor these advertisements to answer any questions or comments, we can't guarantee we'll see them. You're invited to e-mail me with any questions at Shryndael at wearepox.com.

May your adventures be merry and delightful,
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100 Blood Elf Mage
This takes place on Shadow Council. We invite everyone to join us - roll an alt and kick back. It's not a recruitment effort, as mentioned. We just want to invite RPers and those curious about RP to come and spend some time together :)
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85 Gnome Mage
I know some people immediately see these posts as an intrusion into their space and become defensive/hostile, but I wanted to thank you for making the effort to "share the wealth" on a great resource. I passed word along to my folks, and also posted the link to your workshops on our guild forums.

I read over the content of the Emote workshop, and I especially liked how you kept the Q&A intact at the end. There were a lot of great questions on roleplay in general that I think players should read regardless of experience - not only as a refresher, but as a reminder that there are still new people out there trying to figure out the ropes of this RP Thing.

Hope you have another great turn out!
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Thank you Nozz.

I am sensitive to the fact some people may see this as an intrusion, which is also why I try to be abundantly clear we are not recruiting. Well, my guild is -- but this is not a recruitment post. We do not recruit at these meetings, nor do we allow any other guild to.

We just want to see those people who are shy and lurking on the edge of RP, or those who want to try it but are nervous because they've never done it, come out and play. These workshops are made to encourage that.
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