[A/H] SoE RP Community: Opinions Needed

90 Blood Elf Paladin
I’ve stumbled across something with too alarming a frequency not to bring it to the roleplaying community on SoE.

Three times in the last week, I have been told of and/or witnessed a certain individual in the community raking people over the coals in OOC /s because this person disagreed with how another was roleplaying their character. This included:

  • Telling someone not to become involved in roleplay with another person.

  • Attempting to have someone removed from an event even though there was not ill intent on the other person’s behalf.

  • Chastising someone for portraying their character differently than how the one chastising would play a character of the same ilk.

I sincerely would like opinions on this matter, because the person doing the chastising is someone highly visible in the community. And before I’m asked, no… I won’t name names. This isn’t a thread to call out an individual and humiliate them publicly. This is a way to let people know what their fellow community really thinks of their actions without drawing attention to the specific person. This will be a gentle, quiet nudge, if nothing else.

You see, these three references above (all separate people and separate incidents) happened with veteran roleplayers, even if they were on alts. What bothers me, though, is that it could have been someone from another server trying out SoE as a new home, or a brand new roleplayer to the game, for that matter.

How would you deal with this? What would YOU like to tell this person about how they treated other roleplayers?

I ask not to stir a hornet’s nest. I’m sincere in my inquiry. This kind of behavior bothers me enough that, even though one of the people referenced in the bullet points above doesn’t talk to me and speaks ill of me, I’ll still stand up for their rights and say they were wronged in what took place (as based on my opinion). After all, this isn’t about me. This is about making sure our community is actually on track and welcoming, not letting one small portion ruin it for the lot of us.

So… with that in mind, think of our RP community. Think of what you adore about it and what you loathe. Ask yourself why you’re here. And then? What would you say to this particular person if you witnessed them doing the aforementioned acts to a fellow roleplayer?

Thanks for your time,

"But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me." -V

xposted sistersofelune.org
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/10/2011 2:15 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Priest
This actually is something that royally ticks me off and I see it all the time on many RP servers. It completely dumbfounds me too how a person can deem themselves the king or queen of character creation and believe that they have the right to tell others how to roleplay their characters properly.

It's complete and utter bullcrap.

Throwing lore and such aside, I've seen what you've mentioned Bella in the fact that they're judging personalities. I'm sorry, but take a look at REAL LIFE for example. Ever read a news article and think, "Wow, how could that person have thought that/done this/etc?" Well that's going to happen in Azeroth too and that is what makes it FUN.

I've run into incidents where people have told me that my mage, Naliah, doesn't act how Blood Elves would act and should be more like -insert personality here- or should have been -insert quirk here- by now. If you think that OOCly, that's your deal but keep it to yourself. Let your character react to that individual the way they would ICly and who knows, maybe after awhile you'll learn why characters act the way they do.

To answer the questions now that I've vented... (x3) ...

If someone speaks out against my character OOCly, I listen to what they have to say and then respond with my reasoning. Anything more then that and I basically give them the line that, "Not everyone is cookie cutter and is going to react the way you expect or desire." To deal with it, I simply let them know they don't have to roleplay with my character if they don't like it.

If I see it happening to others and I disagree with what took place, I often whisper the victimized party to let them know that they're fine and the other person is a tool. If it's blatant and out in the open, I'll be blatant and speak my mind. If that person doesn't like me because I told them what I thought, then so be it.

On a side note, I'll also admit that these happenings have affected how and where I roleplay. While I'm outspoken and will defend myself, happenings have affected me where I've become timid in who I RP with and where I go. I'd like to be proud and say, " I went STFU I'll do what I want!" and pretend that I continued to do what I used to but that'd be a lie. While we can stand up for ourselves and others, often times the words and actions of conflict still strike a chord and can affect people whether we realize it (like it) or not.

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84 Blood Elf Death Knight
I totally agree with you both. The people who demand players to act and be a certain way takes all the fun out of it in the first place. The idea of roleplay is a complete random action and a reaction just like we see in everyday life.
I have had QUITE a few people whisper me about how I RP Hath, and those that know me probably know why (lol) but again why should Azeroth be void of barley clothed women, total jerks, over-compensating males or snooty females? That is what makes it interesting.

For those being mentioned above ( Im sure you know who you are ) I think that if you are not comfortable or pleased with someone else....it's your own problem. If you feel that a player is roleplaying "wrong" well let's think about it.....
Are they the child of a lich and a dragon? No? Ok next....
Are they claiming to be the rightfull king/queen of Azeroth? Still no? Moving on....
Is it a 10 foot tall gnome? Maybe?


The point is, let people play how they want. In the event you have something to say respect them and the other roleplayers around you and whisper them POLITELY!
If you still don't like how they RP you have a few options....
Pay for thier wow....
Put them on ignore....
Walk away.....
Or have some fun and try to roll with it!

<3 Bells :P
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
<3 Bells :P

/knucklebumpfireworks and <3
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/10/2011 4:35 AM PST
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85 Human Warrior
While I personally only encountered such a thing once, I agree wholeheartedly. RP is random, and no one should told you off how to RP your character.

Some exceptions do exist. I'd -REALLY- told the guy off if he/she is RP-ing a VampireDemonAngelWerewolfLeviathanDingoRabbitSuccubusIncubusHumanHighElfNightElfAutomatonDragonSludgeTomato Hybrid.

But then again, I'm yet to see someone like that. <.<

Now back to the guy who once told me I should RP Gott more -SERIOUSLY- instead of some crackpotty warrior with a fetish for axes. -.-
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Pasting from the SistersOfElune.org boards:

I think that everyone is in agreement that the situation is intolerable and only such situations need to be handled by the RP Police. Yadda yadda, I'm going slightly off-topic for a moment, though it's still related.

What bothers me the most about this behavior isn't necessarily catching anyone. For all I know, each and every one of us may or may not have griefed or accused someone of lore %#@@ or misconstrued something that was said. For the record, I'm saying we're all guilty of the above. That makes it easier than saying we're all innocent.

I think my problem is how intolerant we've become of others. When people RP a character that's not friendly or in a way that we may not approve of, we write them off. When we disagree with people about concepts or lore or how we perceive things, we write them off. When someone's a nooblet and we've had a taxing day either IC or OOC, we just give up on them.

So, in doing such, we've limited our own RP. And to do what? Tell someone they shouldn't RP their character's child as a spoiled brat? Misunderstanding someone's IC actions and labeling them as a griefer instead of inquiring OOCly? Be completely inflexible with random RP not going to our liking, then writing them and the situation off without a word?

If we can write people off that easily instead of trying, then it's no wonder that people stop trying altogether. Why go through the trouble of trying again when all that's going to happen is "Oh, you're so and so's alt? Yeah, I refuse to RP with you." Or "I heard you God mode, no thanks." I realize we can't get along with everyone, but blacklisting people to the extent of quitting instead of working out differences is a damn shame.

"Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it." -- Anne of Green Gables

One of my favorite quotes. I know we can only take so much and try so hard at resolving things, but taking the time to attempt? I think we can afford that. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Not everyone knows this, but Bella and I were friends, got into a tiff and didn't talk for two years. If she and I can make up and discuss things and come to an understanding TWO YEARS later, I think we can take five minutes to ask someone why they chose to RP like they are or clarify what they said. You'd be surprised what you're missing sometimes.

We can't expect everyone to change or want to improve. We can only make an effort ourselves. If people wanna live in a bubble, it's their 15 bucks to spend.

03/11/2011 5:10 PMPosted by Muireann
I'm not that active on the unofficial boards or here. But I do read them a lot, and I'm seeing a lot of posts with this same basic gist: "There'\'s jerks in the community and we don't want to name them la dee da please stop and what can we do about this."

I do have to somewhat agree with this. Not that the OP is guilty; they're trying, but I find more people are all talk and no action. Having a discussion to end an issue only to repeat your behavior in hopes things will turn out differently is one of the definitions of insanity. Stoppit.
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