How many have: Recipe Vial of the Sands?

I just returned about a month ago from being away for over a year. My instant obsession is the Vial of the Sands recipe from archeology. I've been digging non stop. Gotten 5 jars, no recipe.

Just curious as to how many people on the server have found the recipe.

I'm also interested in purchasing the mount for the time being as I am so sick of digging. It would just be nice to have the mount at this point. Curious as to what someone would charge me for the mount with all the materials provided. Have mercy.
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85 Pandaren Priest
I have it.

My crafting fee is a thousand gold. I know of at least two other people on the server Horde side that can craft it as well.
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Alright. Let me get them all together. I have most of what I need for it. I've friended you and will be in touch.
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Thanks a bunch Adalicia! Sadly 9 jars later, I haven't gotten the recipe yet, but I am putting together Scepter of Azj'Aqir right now. A consolation prize for over 2 months of digging, I suppose.
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I did it! The tenth jar gave me the recipe. It took about three months of constant digging.
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85 Troll Shaman
I've had it for a few months now - noticed crafting tips are hovering anywhere from 1.5k to 500g at this point. Don't know if it's same alli side or not.
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93 Worgen Mage
I just got the "Vial of Sands" Pattern today. I ask that you have all the mats. I can make the flasks and the deepstone oil but that will cost you. I can slso make Truegold if you have all the mats. If you have all the mats i just ask for a nice tip for my time.
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100 Gnome Warlock
It took me over 2 months of on and off digging to get it. Now I spend alot of time gathering the mats with my Pally. I have sold 2 already and made a third for my wife. It is time consuming but well worth it.
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