Hello SoE,
My brother and I are currently looking for a raiding guild that we can help progress through the end game content. We are both 9/12, geared well, and know all fights. Last boss we worked on was Chol'gull whom we got down to 5%. We come from a guild known as THE TEN, but due to restructuring are no longer a part of.
We both can raid from 7 -10:30 Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat/Sun. However, I can only raid from 7:45 - 10:30 on Tues due to school. These times are what we can raid, however, we do not wish to raid every day. If possible three days, but four can be managed.
If you are looking for tanks (both dps specs as well), please send me an in game tell/mail or post here.
Thank you,
My brother and I are currently looking for a raiding guild that we can help progress through the end game content. We are both 9/12, geared well, and know all fights. Last boss we worked on was Chol'gull whom we got down to 5%. We come from a guild known as THE TEN, but due to restructuring are no longer a part of.
We both can raid from 7 -10:30 Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat/Sun. However, I can only raid from 7:45 - 10:30 on Tues due to school. These times are what we can raid, however, we do not wish to raid every day. If possible three days, but four can be managed.
If you are looking for tanks (both dps specs as well), please send me an in game tell/mail or post here.
Thank you,
Edited by Boragnok on 3/10/2011 7:20 AM PST