(H) Apples Refruitment (Healers/Ranged DPS)

90 Undead Warlock
Apples is now currently recruiting the following classes:
Holy Paladin or Resto Druid
Any Ranged DPS

We raid 3 days a week:
Tuesday 7 - 10 CST (8 EST - 11 EST)
Thursday 7 - 10 CST (8 EST - 11 EST))
Sunday 6 - 10 CST (7 EST - 11 EST)

Our current progression is 1/12 HM, 12/12 Normal modes. We are currently progressing through Hard Modes every week.

We go back a very long time on this server, and have always held solid, steady progression though out this game. We expect all trials to hold the same enthusiasm for raiding as we do.

We ask that you be experienced in all Cata raid bosses. The more progression you have the better. We also require a certain amount of gear, about 350 item level will do it. You need to be very knowledgeable about raiding and your class and how they relate.

Our forums: ApplesGuild.com
How to Apply: apply.php

If you have any questions, please contact Ellach, Christel, Dreadmourne, Malajoki in-game.

Thanks for reading.
Edited by Malakoji on 3/13/2011 4:51 PM PDT
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85 Troll Shaman
Update, Apples progression is now 2/12 HM and 12/12 Normal.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Well if you guys ever need a fill in for tuesdays Im usually availible on my hunter or my ele / resto shammy
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90 Undead Warlock
look, an update!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior

If you have any questions, please contact Ellach, Christel, Dreadmourne, Malajoki in-game.

He means Malakoji, not Malajoki.
(Subliminal update)
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Still looking for some solid ranged DPS, more specifically Mage/Boomkin/SPriest/Ele Shaman.

We know there are some good players still out there looking for some raid fun!
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Need any cute DK's?
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