Holy/Tank Pally LF Raid (Québec)

90 Human Paladin
Bonjour ! Hey there !

Looking for a dedicated / serious Guild to raid with (with members preferably in their 30's ;-) on Cenarion Circle.

I have been playing since Vanilla, I have other 85's and I'm available, depending on the raiding hours, from 9PM Eastern to 1 AM.

I'm the kind of raider who will arrive way before raid times, repaired ;-) and I'm the patient, silent type on vent... unless you deeps continue to stand on that fire/shadow/water/etc. AoE under your feet ;-)

Merci and Hope to hear from you guys soon !


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85 Human Mage
Salut Milabrega,

I'd love to chat with you more. Feel free to send me an email to rainadewleaf@hotmail.com or visit our website etd.guildlaunch.com

I made a post earlier looking for a tank. At the risk of repeating myself, please read it to get a better idea of what we're looking for: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2228227593

Looking for a dedicated / serious Guild to raid with (with members preferably in their 30's ;-) on Cenarion Circle. I have been playing since Vanilla, I have other 85's and I'm available, depending on the raiding hours, from 9PM Eastern to 1AM.

We are adults, we are pretty serious raiding Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 7:15-10pm. That's 10:15-1am your time EST. On occasion we'll go to 10:15 depending on how close we are to killing something important. We are sensitive to ppl on the east coast.

I'm the kind of raider who will arrive way before raid times, repaired ;-) and I'm the patient, silent type on vent... unless you deeps continue to stand on that fire/shadow/water/etc. AoE under your feet ;-)

Touche. I'm looking for punctual, adult, reliable, and competent. A good buddy. We are 10/12 with Nefarian and Heroic Halfas on the horizon. Our raid supplies flasks and repair bills but welcome donations for crafting these mats.

What is your raiding experience? Armory says you haven't seen any content yet.

a bientot
- Dest
Edited by Destini on 3/16/2011 12:31 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Druid
Hi Mila! Incite is a 10-man focused guild that prioritizes the quality of the person first and foremost. As such, I am quite proud of our roster and collective reputation, from our casual once-a-month players to our everyday players, raiders, RPers and PVPers. We truly are a guild that does it all.

A very tight-knit group (all 45-50 active members), we have an approximate average age of 30 or so, possibly skewing to the late 20s.

As another player since Classic, and raider at heart, I know how important it is to find a raid group that both fits your personality and schedule. I believe Incite would score high marks across all possible requirements you have for an endgame raiding guild.

We currently have two full 10-man raids that are 7/12 and will likely be 9-10/12 within the next few weeks. We are in the final stages of forming a third 10-man raid (which desires a holy paladin) which will likely go 4-5/12 in it's first week of raiding, given a large majority of that raid group is formed from rerolled mains already experienced with 8/12 on other factions/servers/toons.

Our raid times across all groups are 6:00-9:00 p.m. PST (9:00 p.m. - Midnight EST). Times may be flexible in the forming group, but should hold to our current standard.

I'd love to speak with you more about us if you'd like. In the meantime, please head to www.incitegaming.com and give us a look. If you have any questions at all, just contact me via PM, here on the forums, or introduce yourself to any of our officers.

Thanks for the possible consideration, and good luck with your guild search!

P.S. We also have a fair amount of Quebecois/Canadians in the guild. Salut!
Edited by Elgaen on 3/22/2011 2:23 PM PDT
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