Since when?

85 Human Warrior
Since when do people take OOC stuff too personally? Why can't we be friends?

Since when do people get shot down in RP? Do they not make good enough an approach or do the break lore?

Since when is grammar such a big deal? I know spelling and punctuation are, but we can at least understand what they're trying to say right?

Since when lore is such a big deal? While we may obey and respect lots of aspects of lore (Such as not making a Mary Sue Vampire Elf), but to try correcting people's story just because they bend lore abit? Sure if they go way beyond bending the lore, but what about a little bit?

This is the just internet, why bother about what others think negatively about you?

This is just RP, why can't people go with the flow?

This is just RP, why whine when we can use the time we use to whine to PROMOTE RP? (I'm making one myself).

This is not Sparta, why so serious?
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Agreed. Role playing can be fun, but it's easy to overthink it when you're trying to get into it.

I probably spent a good two hours yesterday wondering if my Orc should address someone as "Miss", "Fair Maiden", "My Lady", etc. (and I can't use the name that's conveniently floating over their heads until we've been introduced...).

In the end I just ended up talking and - amazingly - a conversation started.

I know that roleplaying isn't for everybody, but after seemingly endless months of level grinding and doing dailies on my main, the game once again felt completely new and fun to me.
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