Jewelcrafter's Daily

85 Draenei Shaman
Let me start off saying I am not sure WHERE I should have posted this, but after a long enough time (over two months) I felt I needed to express my dissatisfaction for the new jewelcrafting daily quest entitled, "Nibbler! No!"

The quests we are given on a "random" basis are as follows:
•A Present for Lila
•Elemental Goo
•Nibbler! No!
•Ogrezonians in the Mood
•The Latest Fashion!

The Lila quest asks us to use 3 Nightstones.
The Ogrezonians asks us to use 3 Jaspers
The Nibbler quest asks us to use 3 Zephyrites.
The other two quests we are tasked with killing and looting 10 elementals or "spraying" 10 humans with a type of perfume.

The issue we are faced with on my server (Sisters of Elune) the daily quest seems to ALWAYS be (or 4 times out of 5), the "Nibbler! No!" Daily. This daily requires 3 Zephyrite uncut gems to be cut into Solid Zepyrites. Zephyrites are the rarest gem to get from prospecting (I myself have gone threw 8 stacks of ore to get 3 raw gems. The stacks of ore (if you are not a miner) go for 80-100 g per stack on this server. On the auction house the gem alone goes for (at the moment) 59g each. Fortunately I do have a miner so the only thing I am at a loss for is my time.

I am just asking that someone look at the refresh rate of this daily quest. I am fine that it comes up, I just was thinking that we have 4 other quests to "randomly get?" Why can we not get them more randomly instead of all the same. At least up the chance for the gem to be "mined" or prospected if it continues to be THE daily quest every day.

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89 Blood Elf Paladin
I sympathize, as my lock is a JC and i do the dailies on a daily basis, and yes this one has come up a number of times this past week on SoE, but there really isn't a solution; random is random. If you have a miner, the best you can do is spend a few minutes everyday flying the perimeter of Deepholm to gather a few stacks of ore (and it really is super abundant there) and with luck you'll prospect enough for the dailies. With even more luck, we'll stop getting this one and start getting "The Latest Fashion!" a few times a week. I feel for you, man .... er, hideous alien dude.

<3 Xu
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I want a quest where I can get rid of the 8357934875934875 carnelians I have for trying to prospect out some zephyrites and nightstones. >:(
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85 Human Warlock
OH god yes..... I have so much carnelians in my bag, not to mention jaspers. I wish the prosepct rate of nightstones was raised slightly higher , if anything to bring down the price to something more affordable. 170g on three uncut green gems is not worth the investment of knowing you get a token, and a whopping 16 gold
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