[H] LF Daytime Guild

100 Orc Warrior
Hello fellow SOErs. Some of you know me, others of you knew me as Melizzy.
I have multiple toons, with this fury/prot warrior as my main. My current guild turned into an "alt leveling guild" overnight, and by that I mean I logged in and saw everyone left on their mains and the MOTD said it was such.

Currently I am looking for some daytime raiding. Anytime from noon to early evenings. I have massive raiding experience from TBC and WOTLK, haven't had much of a chance to get into Cata raids yet, but am decently geared for DPS and fairly geared for tanking.
I kill a lot of time PVPing as well.

I also have an 85 rogue, working on a prot/ret paly and priest with other toons getting up there.

I know SOE is still pretty low populated, and daytime raiders might be rare, but figured I'd look for one anyway. I know there are other servers that would give me better chances to meet my availability, but I really don't want to leave SOE, been here too long.

Most guilds like the late nights, hopefully not all do.
Thank you for your time.

BTW, Nozz, if you're reading this, I'm sad I've not had a chance to nom on your corpse in Tol Barad yet.
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100 Orc Warrior

Assuming there is no existing daytime raiding group, I do have an alt that was left a pre-Cata (no levels) guild, plenty of bank space etc, if there are a number of people out there who, like me, have encountered difficulty raiding due to nights not being good.

So if you know of an existing guild, cool, help me with an introduction to the people that matter and I'll take it upon myself to make or break it.
If not, but you're looking for the same thing as me, please do let me know.

P.S. I am fine using my main for alt runs of a guild whose main groups are full and/or at night, and am fully capable of learning (and accepting advice for) content well enough to lead raids.
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85 Goblin Rogue
I was looking for the exact same thing a month ago, day raids or Tues-Thurs. Sadly they don't exist from what I can see.
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100 Orc Warrior
It's kinda funny you say that, I observed some people trolling NBK yesterday in /trade, and I chimed in, not to troll, but following the same inquiry as this thread: in a guild of that size, how is no one just throwing things together? Out of the 180some 85s, how have 8 to 10 of you not joined up to do BH?

It's disheartening, I understand not every guild raids, but statistic probability should suggest that at least that achievement should have been earned.

Again, I wasn't trying to join the trolling, I was just poking around to see if being in such a guild with so many players could yield a semi-organized daily raid (even if regular pugs are involved.) Like I've stated, even if it's mostly alts and/or free lancers who can't make their guilds regular raids, I'd like to try to work something out to experience content, rather than just push progression etc.

Perhaps it's time to relight the torch of the Wrecking Crew (BC kara/za weekly pug group widely successful in pre-nerfed kara, and yeah, i mean so pre-nerfed back when everyone needed a key and nothing in there bled.)
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Well I am availible usually mon tues and wed days and sunday nights. I have 4 85's. Hunter, holy priest, ele / resto shammy and a tankadin (still working on her gear though ) and if you ever need someone hit me up on any of my alts.
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