ATTENTION Roleplayers/RPers! Roleplay/RP...

75 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Shodasha on 3/21/2012 2:23 PM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Hello and welcome to SoE!

While I understand your frustration but RP here isn't as bustling like massive servers such as Moon Guard or Wyrmrest. However, it doesn't mean there's no RP at all.

You'll find some of us frolicking at taverns chugging down quality dwarven ale while singing ballads about punching Deathwing on the face during the evenings.

Other than that, not sure about an all Night Elf guild but go give Viloche a poke or two. His guild <Underground Covenant> has quite the surplus of Elves. They're also based in Darnassus.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
You have to give respect to people who try to form and perservere with single-race guilds. It is a novel idea. There have been a couple "Night Elf Only" guilds on Sisters that I've seen since I've made it my home. Two that come to mind would be <Kaoso Gunshi> and <Ithildin Dae>. There was even a "Gnome Only" guild here up until recently.

Sadly, despite how RP-oriented the guild may be because it's based on one race only, you more often than not, find yourself seeking alliances with other guilds that have other races in them when you need to run a dungeon or raid. The common "RP" mentality is that your own people will hold back their vomit long enough to get the job done regardless of what race they "allowed" to join them on their mission. This was a very wide-spread idea when blood elf only guilds formed during Burning Crusade. You may have even been discriminated against or removed from the guild if they found out that you had run a dungeon with a troll.

Some of the RP guilds (alliance side) that I've seen lately have been loose affiliations, ie: a microcosm of the idea of being an alliance of races. An example of this would be <Covenant of the Wilds> where you have six "houses" or castes/orders/covens/etc for each race on alliance side, and then of course one high ruler, possibly similar to a chancelor position if the guild had a senate-based meeting.

But quoting from Lord of the Rings...
[Gimli]: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf.
[Legolas]: What about side by side with a friend?
[Gimli]: Aye, I could do that.

So you see... as strong as the idea may be that you want to be around your character's own race, you'll probably end up facing the tragedies of this world (of warcraft) with a friend or group that isn't.

There is RP to be found here, but just like in the real world: friends and associates usually have a meeting place once they establish their common grounds. Like a group of friends will go out for supper at a restaurant after they finished their daily routine. Or another group will go play football after they all got off of work. It's the same on Sisters of Elune. Roleplayers have their game agendas, but always stop for some RP whether it's convenient or not, planned out or impromptu. I hope this helps.
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