Soe. Role palyers or drama queens.

26 Blood Elf Warlock
Over the past few days I have been reading and watching a little that goes on around our -wonderful- server, and after the things I have been hearing about, the fights the bickerrings the 'blacklistings' I thought I would bring up a few key things that we all should know.

Alot of things have been going on among 'upper class' of our server as I sometimes think of them. The more experienced role palyers who have been around for a while and walked around the soe block a few times if you will. I was also reading on the Soe forums and can't say I have not seen some -pro- ideas as for getting the community together, but recenty there have just been a absent of people who enjoy role playing with one another and can do so without being talked down to for the person he/she is role playing with, and thats what leads to leaving people out.

Really we all pay for this game to have -fun- right, so why can't we all just get along and have fun and role paly like a big happy community should. That sounds good and can easily be reached if others just talk things out with others instead of posting on these stupid formes about how the server is messed up, I know you want to talk about how bad the server is getting for a role palyer, but I've not really seen any open changes recently in horde side anyway/

I have made this thread as a sort of venting QQ because we are all to blame for how things have gotten, and -all- have to atleast try to oocly get along, because personaly if everyone got along icly aswell things would just be dull, but thats me.

Everyone just needs to chill cut some people a clean slate forgive and all this, and try to start again as a healthy community of 'Adults' who can get along to enjoy ones time on this game and server we all enjoy playing on. There are however other reasons to this, I have a few friends, and I hear them talk down to one of my friends, and I'm sure you have all been in that place where you just don't want and want to say something at the same time which is my reasoning for the forgivness thing, just give eachother a big ooc hug.

Well.... my long rant/venting/QQ/ whatever you wish to call it is finished, and sorry about how the topics changed so fast, but had been alot of things I wanted to voice, and I think it was a good time, since so many are voicing their thoughts here. So give my thoughts a bash if you think I'm wrong and should just shut up, or agree with me and start doing the forgiving thing, and spread that rp try to share your vast wisdom -upper class- to some of us who still have a good bit to learn.
Edited by Erosonia on 3/18/2011 8:27 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

I can't speak for anyone else, nor would I try. With that, I can only offer an apology if I have, in any way, shape, or form, offended you. I don't think I have, but... oversights happen and I'm rather human and prone to mistakes.

I agree on moving forward and rebuilding things. Thus, I'll accept your olive branch of sorts and offer my own, even if we've never interacted.

Feel free to contact me ingame via /w or mail if you'd like to discuss this further.

Thanks, and chin up!

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26 Blood Elf Warlock
I have not been really offended by all this, but I have seen how the erver is going down, and that just doesn't sit well with me, I like to role paly or I would have just gone to a normal server. OR I wouldn't have even voiced my concers for how the server is as a whole, its starting to fall apart people are leaving because -we- are giving them reasons to leave.

You have to ask yourself 'where does this end? '' all the fighting and what not. It will just end with all the well rounded role palyers packing up and going to other servers, or just cutting off from the community as we have started to see, or atleast I have with the lack or Role play in normal hot spots say for example Silvermoon City, not saying there isn't any and there is not a fair amount of good role playing, but I see far to often people just watching and looking, some of who may be good at role palying in that case we have to try to role paly with as many as we can, stop sticking to just -our- crwod. just a few helpful things that could and should take place for the server to be Role palying friendly.

Not to hard to do, maybe ask someone as I have recently in whisper asking them if role playing sounds like a good idea, and sometimes as I have seen people are intimidated by some of you,( The ones that have been around the server as said along time) that is something I have been told aswell '' Well.. I would like to role play with so and so, but I don't think I'm good enough to. '' Which is why its more so important for you to make an effort to open up role play.

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26 Blood Elf Warlock
* Nothing but air *
Edited by Erosonia on 3/18/2011 11:13 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I understand where you're coming from, and please know that by no means I am a "pro" at all this. I fell into it a few years ago, and have made horrid mistakes along the way. I still make them, I'm sure. What we forget some times, even if we've been here awhile, is that we were once new. Heck... when I named Bells, it wasn't done for RP purposes, and it's certainly not a Sin'dorei moniker, by far. But... you live and you learn. :)

If you happen to see me about in Org on Bells, feel free to walk right on up. If you see me in SMC? Feel free to approach, even if it's something as small as asking the time from Bells. Shoot me a tell or an OOC mail ingame, even. I'm always up for having her meet new folks. You never know what kind of things you can discover about your character until they find a new catalyst for growth, and other folks are the best for that.

I applaud your willingness to reach out and speak out. It's not easy. Just know folks are listening. I'm one of them.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 3/18/2011 11:10 PM PDT
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26 Blood Elf Warlock
Well thank you for that. Its more so how people see some of you SoE veterans was more what I was meaning I'm sure you have seen a case like the one a spoke of, and would love to see the server more friendly and alive, because all I hve really seen recently is '' you fail '' or the clasic that really warms people to our server who are first timers '' Just add him or her to ignore, she is retared ''. Not saying all that can and will be changed maybe just less of it, and more interactiion is all we can ask for at this point, when we have the time to spare that is.

I know a good many have to feel like this, because for one all the comments like '' Where is all the roel play!? '' and what not I've seen posted over recent weeks. Its a slow time I understand, but most the times I go into Silvermoon it seems I'm looking at mimes, not one talking or laughing enjoying the rp or so it seems, just people watching otehrs to see what role play will take place.
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90 Undead Mage
I've been around for a few years on various characters. I'll consider myself "pro," if that's what you'd like to call it. I'm simply experienced.

Either way, these experiences happen. People while, people complain, but people always want someone else to do their work for them. It's natural. It's human nature. Hell, even I'd like for the issues with some of the role players to be fixed instantly. But that sort of thing can't happen.

Honestly, it comes down to you, just as much as it comes down to any of us. Are you going to let bad experiences and other conflicts hurt yourself and your own desire to roleplay, or are you going to suck it up and continue, and deal with the issues while continuing to try?

I don't know. It's your choice. But I know someone needs to take the journal in the following thread to the Sunwell.

Feel free to contact me on Lectril/Jay if you have any questions about posting in the thread. Otherwise, it's free game. There are no rules for that thread. Post away.
Edited by Jay on 3/19/2011 12:23 AM PDT
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26 Blood Elf Warlock
I myself have not had any to -bad- experiences the normal drama, but otherwise SoE has been good to me, but as of late I am sick and tired of not being able to watch and or Role play and the lack of it. I am comfortable on this server and I want to stay on it, and I want things to pick up again and that alone will come over time if we all start to get into the habit of just trying to role play offer assistance. I myself have role played on Soe a little under a year, and role played under a year, but I find it a good break from grinding those levels, or raiding, farming heroics and all the rest.

I would love to keep it a normal habit on the server, but as you said Jay it can't be fixed instantly, but it can be sped up I think if we all or as many want the same thing were to work together in some way, and if past petty hates could just be droped, and not forgotten, but forgiven.
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26 Blood Elf Warlock
I couldn't agree more, we all need to work together to make this server what it used to be from what I've heard it used to be pretty solid for Role playing, and I would love to see that again. or more so see it for the first time since its only gotten worse and worse since I've made this server my new home.
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26 Blood Elf Warlock
-I- do think I need to clear something up since the word 'pro' had seemed to be taken the wrong iway, and what I was meaning by it was as Jay said one who has more experiance than the ones who have just started out and still learning.
Edited by Erosonia on 3/19/2011 9:16 PM PDT
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