Seeking Farstrider/Ranger RP guild!

85 Blood Elf Paladin
I have recently rolled a blood elf hunter by the name of Talen on your server and I'd like to take the headlong plunge into RP! If anyone knows of any Farstrider/Ranger based RP guilds, I'd love to hear about them. If not, just poke me in-game anyway! I'd really like to meet some of the other RPers on server and test the waters.

Thanks for any incoming info!

Talen - SoE
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hiya, Talen (Iliann)!

First, welcome to SoE!

While I'm not aware of any class-based guilds for Farstriders/Rangers that are about currently (and I could be wrong), I do know of a number of folks that RP both as "strict" Farstriders, some that are rangers and removed from that style, and hunters of other races.

I'll touch base with you in game and we can chat more about what you're looking for and what might suit you. If nothing else, we'll get you a few connections to begin.

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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it. ^^
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