That was one close Tol Barad

100 Human Mage
From my chat log:
11:26:45 The Alliance has lost control of the Slagworks!
11:26:55 The Horde has lost the Ironclad Garrison!
11:27:01 The Horde has taken the Slagworks!
11:27:16 The Alliance has gained Control of the Ironclad Garrison!
11:27:18 The Alliance has defended Tol Barad!

The Horde was 6 seconds from winning with less than a minute left on the timer...

Well fought, everyone, on both sides!
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Yea, we have some good times in Tol Barad. I remember this one time it went somthing like this.

The Horde as lost control of the of Slagworks!
The Horde has gained control of the Ironclad Garrison!
The Horde has successfully taken Tol Barad!

Somehow it still said we won because the two places changed control at the same time. I like Tol Barad more then Wintergrasp. I like healing it more then Wintergrasp because you arent so spead out around 4 vehicle shops and 3 towers, but I wish everyone would quit spamming macros that say so and so laughs at so and so. Like I understand that half the server is against each other, but you don't have to be a douche. You know who you are!
Edited by Skandradron on 3/21/2011 8:30 PM PDT
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