WTB First Mate Hat

85 Night Elf Death Knight
Hello SoE'ers. I'm looking to get my hands on this "First Mate Hat." It's a level 35 cloth headpiece that drops from the Pirates in Stranglethorn. It's a pirate hat obviously and details can be found on WoWhead. I'm willing to pay several thousand gold for it, alliance or horde (through neutral AH). It's supposedly quite rare, even more-so than the chance one has to get a mount from dungeons such as Sethekk Halls, or zul'gurub when it was active. Price is negotiable, but I'll be searching for it even while the offer still stands. Contact me here or ingame if you're up for selling this item. Thanks much. :)

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85 Blood Elf Priest
I have one but I'd have to server transfer for it. Which sorta sucks. I'm willing to do that but would want quite a bit of gold to make it worth real money. Your looking at 40k to make it worth while... since its $50 round trip. :P doubt you want that but thought id offer.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Thank you for offering. A friend stumbled upon one in their banktoon's storage last month, so I was able to aquire it with little effort. I should have posted sooner, but I forgot about this thread as it's 2 months old now. D'oh. But again, thank you.
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