Dear Alliance,

100 Blood Elf Paladin
On behalf of Hit it and Crit it we thank you for helping us to our guild achievement, City Attacker.

Some days we spent five hours making the Wollerton Stead our own, we turned the Mage Tower into Hit it Tower, and without you it would've been super boring.

-For those of you that were fearless, attacked us head on, we tip our hats.

-For those of you who came over on alts and called us various obscenities, it's your turn. Pick a city. ;)

With love,
Aiona, Torgunta, Ariwae
Edited by Aiona on 3/24/2011 11:41 AM PDT
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Because of aiona apparently I have to kiss you guys so... /kiss?
Edited by Icejob on 3/24/2011 11:54 AM PDT
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I'm single ladies. Just sayin.
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You're welcome. Grats. Come back. I need 7 more for city defender.
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