[a] AH prices

4 Worgen Warrior
Dear Alliance on Cenarion Circle

Please stop selling things for less than the vendor prices.

It will sell more for than what you are asking, you are just wasting peoples time by undercutting so much.

This includes:
- Cut gems for less than 6g
- Old world cloth for less than it sells for when made into bandages.
- Current world Green/Blue items (Some old world items are better off vendored)

Yes we can vendor it, but it's stupid because you chose to waste potential profit.

Thank You
- An Upset JCer.
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Free money. Don't complain
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I brought up the bandages > cloth thing years ago. :P
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If people are selling for less than vendor prices on AH, buy their stuff and then sell it to vendors. Guaranteed profit for you, and you take those items out of the market so they can't be put back on AH. Rather than coming to the forums to complain (and in the process notify other people who will now probably do this before you do and get the money you COULD have had) do something about it and make some money in the interim.
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4 Worgen Warrior
03/26/2011 11:39 AMPosted by Draykoh
If people are selling for less than vendor prices on AH, buy their stuff and then sell it to vendors. Guaranteed profit for you, and you take those items out of the market so they can't be put back on AH. Rather than coming to the forums to complain (and in the process notify other people who will now probably do this before you do and get the money you COULD have had) do something about it and make some money in the interim.

You still pay the AH cut.

Looks like somebody has done the same recently.
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