[A] <DisturbedOnes> Recruiting 10-Man Raiding

85 Human Warrior
Needs: 3 Healers, 2 Ranged DPS

New Raid Times:
Tue 5-8pm server
Fri 6-9pm server

We recently lost half of our raid group and are looking for some exceptional players to help fill back up our ranks. We are currently focused on BoT and BWD for our main group. Attendance is expected at all raids unless an emergency comes up. We were 3/4 BoT and 3/6 BWD (also 1/2 To4W). Guild membership and main toons are preferred, though we will always give consideration to outstanding players.

You can reply here or send a message to Boman in-game.

Thank you,
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85 Human Priest

Boman runs a solid raid. I can personally vouch for this, and recommend his raids to anyone looking for a home.

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