[H] Seeking healers for alt raids

90 Blood Elf Warrior
Apples is starting 10 man alt raids into our current raid tier. Our group is solid on DPS and Tanks, but still needs some Healers. If anyone is interested in bringing their healer to weekly runs, please let me know either here or in-game on Skies.

We need dedicated people who can show up every Wednesday, with a rough start time of 7:30pm server, running until 10 or 11pm server. Gear is handed out via /roll from myself as Master Looter, with all pugs being able to partake in the gear we receive. Main spec over off spec priority.

Your current gear should at the very least be of Heroic (346) ilvl, with any crafted or world drop epics being a plus. Any healing class is welcome to join. Vent will be required, and while knowledge of the fights would be a definite plus, we are more than willing to help you learn as well. Raid environment is pretty laid back as we have fun and unwind from our heroic 25man raids.

I look forward to hearing from any healers interested in joining us for the festivities.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I have a solid priest named Leighah and a solid resto ele shamman. I would love to run with you guys, shes been thru some of the content but I've read up on all fights and such. Feel free to pst me on linndrah, eroviah or elysah and of course on leighah :)
Edited by Linndrah on 3/20/2011 11:34 AM PDT
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51 Blood Elf Priest
This is a great opportunity for healers out there,we like to have fun when raiding this 10 man alt raids. Take in consideration that this is only one night a week and progression is usually good.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Discipline Priest. I'm wearing Heroic gear and each cataclysm faction's epics. I have never done a cataclysm raid except for Baradin Hold. Wednesdays sounds good to me. Nothing but real life kicking me in the ass should stop me from showing up. This is my main.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
03/20/2011 11:33 AMPosted by Linndrah
I have a solid priest named Leighah and a solid resto ele shamman. I would love to run with you guys, shes been thru some of the content but I've read up on all fights and such. Feel free to pst me on linndrah, eroviah or elysah and of course on leighah :)

03/21/2011 7:42 PMPosted by Skandradron
Discipline Priest. I'm wearing Heroic gear and each cataclysm faction's epics. I have never done a cataclysm raid except for Baradin Hold. Wednesdays sounds good to me. Nothing but real life kicking me in the ass should stop me from showing up. This is my main.

Been behind the past few days due to some real life stuff, but if you guys get this within the hour (It's 6pm on Wednesday the 23rd) I'll look over the gear and stuff and maybe we can get a run in. I apologize about this week, it was a horrid weekend. Next week however I should, hopefully, be back on my game.
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