Recruiting guilds idea!

I know this has been done a ton of times in the past, some people have been burned by this idea, some people have never tried it but...

With all the recruitment threads out there for 10 man groups, casual guilds etc, excluding the hardcore, or pushing for hardmodes, why don't start seeing some mergers? I feel like the talent pool for people is dwindling rapidly. I myself have had immense trouble recruiting to fill my 2nd 10 man team, and looking for backups for team 1 is nearly impossible.

I'm just curious, I myself am not opposed to a merger, whether it be one guild being absorbed by another, or them staying separate. The only time I've done this, at some point during the raid cycle, one guild thinks their better than the other, and recruits on their own til they don't need the first guild. It sucks, but I've seen it.

Let me know your thoughts!
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Thank the guild rep and levelling system. Mergers and the like erase people's rep and/or levels. Nobody wants that.

I normally love grinding rep, but the guild rep and level system is, as far as accessibility and fun goes, kinda fail it seems. At least from my perspective.

A Player

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100 Orc Warrior
Server could do with a lot of mergers. That's why raiding is as bad as it is. The people are too spread out over too many guilds.

Also guild levels, guild rep, wanting to retain leadership/officer status/control, ect.

But from several first hand experiences, guild mergers are destined to fail and ruin the feeling of a guild. You can't make a peanut butter jelly sandwich taste the same way after you add garlic.
Edited by Grux on 3/23/2011 4:24 PM PDT
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03/23/2011 4:23 PMPosted by Grux
But from several first hand experiences, guild mergers are destined to fail and ruin the feeling of a guild. You can't make a peanut butter jelly sandwich taste the same way after you add garlic.
This is, without a doubt, one of the best analogies I've ever seen.

Mergers are never good*.

(* - Exception to rule, your guild only has two to five people in it, and you ALL want to join the new guild.....but that's not really a "merger"....)
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yea unfortunately it seems like not everyone in a merger will be happy "under new management"
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86 Human Paladin
I'm content with my tiny guild and the ability to just form raid alliances.
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ES swallowed DFP with very little to no complication.

There's no reason in most cases the same could be accomplished with a raid pact though. Raid alliance is a racist term.
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raid horde?
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85 Draenei Priest
~raids the horde~ Yeah, I find raid alliances to be more manageable than actually transplanting people from guild to guild... it allows people to share common interests, while being free to keep with a group that has their style. Screw guild achievements.

((of course, I can say that because our guild has a 10 that is getting all the achievements for us...))
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