3.2K res hunter LF serious Rated BGs

85 Undead Hunter
Hey all! I was looking for a group of people who do rated bgs and have good gear. Send me a message in game if interested. Would love to get a few pvp rated bg titles.

P.s. not looking for a pvp guild, just a group of people to do rated bgs with.
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100 Tauren Druid
I'm trying to form an interguild rated BG group. If it's ok, i'll add you to the current list of geared PVP'ers on SoE who are also interested.

I'll send out channel information soon enough and we can start forming. I'd like to have 20-30 people in channel so that its not difficult to get a full group for rated BGs going during most evenings.
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100 Orc Warrior
I'd also be interested in this. Res is just shy of 3k, but most BGs I pvp prot, so that's another 10% damage reduction. I irritate the fel out of casters, especially healers, and actually observe the objective of BGs :D

alt 0225 is the á
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85 Undead Hunter
Ok then. Lemme know when you guys are gonna start some rated BGs and when!
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