Spirituality's Shopping Spree! [Buying Lots]

90 Blood Elf Priest
Hello! My name is Spirituality and I am currently experiencing an overwhelming urge to buy things. I am particularly interested in clothing and weapons! Please notice that I am a Priest and do not possess the strength needed to wear anything heavier than cloth (however pretty your leather short-shorts might be). I cannot bear to heave around anything other than staves, wands, small maces, off-hand items, or daggers so please do not bother offering me anything other than that!

If you have an interesting item that you think I might like, feel free to leave your name and the name of the garb or weapon. Although I am a loyal member of the Horde, I would be willing to take advantage of the Steamwheedle Cartel's Auction House so Alliance members are free to offer their goods as well!

What Spirit likes...

    Interesting robes and dresses with unique patterns.

    Interesting weapons with unique skins!

    Glowy things.

    Big boots!

    Offhands that resemble books!

While I would love to purchase everyone's oddities, I simply do not have the space in my bank (the Goblins have already begun to hate me). Please do not feel offended if I do not show interest in purchasing what you are offering. I assure you that if I had the space, I would most definitely grab it!

I'm pretty much in a RP wardrobe mood and am buying new outfits like no tomorrow. Feel free to PM me in-game or just leave a message here. Thanks! :)
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85 Undead Rogue
Black Embersilk Gown?

Its a very nice dress that I have on my druid.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Black Embersilk Gown?

Its a very nice dress that I have on my druid.

Thank you for offering! I actually already picked one up. I would make a list of all items that I own, but the list would be quite extensive I believe, heh.
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