SoE Interguild PVP Community (Horde)

100 Tauren Druid
In order to pool Horde PVP resources on our realm, we're starting up an "Inter-guild" PVP group for events such as rated battlegrounds. All Horde guilds are invited.

Why? There are no known dedicated Horde PVP guilds on Sisters of Elune. Most PVE/Raid guilds have a handful of geared, experienced PVP’ers, but generally not enough to reliably form groups for events such as Rated Battlegrounds. As a response to the situation, this group will be put together with the intention of facilitating communication and coordination regarding PVP’ers on our realm.

If interested, instructions can be found at:
Hope to see some more Horde PVP'ers working together on the battlefield!
Please also contact me if you know of any others who might be interested.

Edited by Grazlo on 3/26/2011 10:42 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Priest
I really like this idea. I like to PVP in battlegrounds but lack the skill in arenas. My arena experiences are being CCed to death in 8 seconds or less. With all this priest bull*!@% thats going down and not being able to do Cata raids at all, I may as well drop Disc healing and go Disc pvp. There just isnt much incentive to continue trying to get into raids when you're a priest. Let this idea grow and give me a shout later on. I'll drop a spec for PVP spec.

I currently have 30% resilience, 122k hp, 93k mp.
0 rated battleground rating, 2 arenas victories, and a couple duels.
My pvp experiences are only ALOT random battlegrounds. Perhaps a group will help me get better. Its the healing, not the killing that counts!
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100 Tauren Druid
Still looking for more members- would like to run regular rated BGs...
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