Poni Darkspear, Greatmother
Longhouse, The Barrens
Homeland Statement on AAMS Reputation/Courier Neutrality Issue
The Barrens -- 032811 -- It has come to the Greatmother's (and others') attention recently that debate has arisen regarding the neutrality of an All-Azeroth Messaging Service courier during a recent incident.
Homeland has always believed in the necessity of a truly-neutral courier service that can be relied upon to safely, securely, and if desired, anonymously transport messages and goods to any place at any time, regardless of the politics that may swirl around the person, place or thing to be communicated with or delivered. The Greatmother herself has, in the past, utilized the services of the AAMS both as a client and as a recipient of goods or services. As such, she and Homeland feel that the mission of the AAMS is an important one that must continue no matter whether or not hostilities exist at any level between the Horde and the Alliance.
Friendships certainly exist between individuals of opposing sides, and the periodic celebrations of heritage will, we hope, continue. In a world where our leaders are turning to increasingly-hostile actions to further their political goals, we need the AAMS more than ever. Homeland itself, as an 'organization' (although we like to think of ourselves as a family), will never condone hostility towards, or injury to, or harassment of, any AAMS courier that wears the white uniform in the performance of his or her duties. Furthermore, we will not take any actions that would be counter to our hope that the AAMS will remain a well-respected organization without peer in today's increasingly fragile world.
The Greatmother, due to injury and physical state, was not able to remain at the 'gathering' at Ratchet yesterday evening, but she, and the Homeland family, wish to see respect for the AAMS restored. She is aware that the courier in question has offered a full apology for the incident in question and believes this to be sincere. While it is the decision of the AAMS division heads to carry out any discipline that may be required, the Greatmother accepts the apology and wishes the courier best of luck with the AAMS or any other employment she may enjoy in the future.
She also believes that level heads, not violence, are the answer to this dilemma. As such, the Homeland longhouse is open should a venue be desired for discussion, or any sort of board or review panel that may be convened. We are located in open savannah near both Horde and Alliance settlements and we do not permit armed goblins to attack our guests.
The courier herself is also welcome to stay under Homeland's roof at no charge for as long as she desires, and we will see to it that no harm comes to her should she choose to accept this invitation.
For information: Poni Darkspear
Contact: Homeland, Greatmother's Office
Poni Darkspear, Greatmother
Longhouse, The Barrens
Homeland Statement on AAMS Reputation/Courier Neutrality Issue
The Barrens -- 032811 -- It has come to the Greatmother's (and others') attention recently that debate has arisen regarding the neutrality of an All-Azeroth Messaging Service courier during a recent incident.
Homeland has always believed in the necessity of a truly-neutral courier service that can be relied upon to safely, securely, and if desired, anonymously transport messages and goods to any place at any time, regardless of the politics that may swirl around the person, place or thing to be communicated with or delivered. The Greatmother herself has, in the past, utilized the services of the AAMS both as a client and as a recipient of goods or services. As such, she and Homeland feel that the mission of the AAMS is an important one that must continue no matter whether or not hostilities exist at any level between the Horde and the Alliance.
Friendships certainly exist between individuals of opposing sides, and the periodic celebrations of heritage will, we hope, continue. In a world where our leaders are turning to increasingly-hostile actions to further their political goals, we need the AAMS more than ever. Homeland itself, as an 'organization' (although we like to think of ourselves as a family), will never condone hostility towards, or injury to, or harassment of, any AAMS courier that wears the white uniform in the performance of his or her duties. Furthermore, we will not take any actions that would be counter to our hope that the AAMS will remain a well-respected organization without peer in today's increasingly fragile world.
The Greatmother, due to injury and physical state, was not able to remain at the 'gathering' at Ratchet yesterday evening, but she, and the Homeland family, wish to see respect for the AAMS restored. She is aware that the courier in question has offered a full apology for the incident in question and believes this to be sincere. While it is the decision of the AAMS division heads to carry out any discipline that may be required, the Greatmother accepts the apology and wishes the courier best of luck with the AAMS or any other employment she may enjoy in the future.
She also believes that level heads, not violence, are the answer to this dilemma. As such, the Homeland longhouse is open should a venue be desired for discussion, or any sort of board or review panel that may be convened. We are located in open savannah near both Horde and Alliance settlements and we do not permit armed goblins to attack our guests.
The courier herself is also welcome to stay under Homeland's roof at no charge for as long as she desires, and we will see to it that no harm comes to her should she choose to accept this invitation.
For information: Poni Darkspear
Contact: Homeland, Greatmother's Office