Alliance Cuties

85 Night Elf Death Knight
Well there's a thread for Horde people, but I think we need an Alliance one. (Not to be full of ourselves) I'm gonna do this open style and let you submit names.

Death Knight:
Druid: Zenruid (aka KittyKing)
Mage: Nozz, Velleri
Shaman: Anainn
Edited by Aeralynn on 3/30/2011 5:19 AM PDT
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Picnic!! You can tell me all of your beauty secrets!
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
I don't approve of this thread.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Well, this clearly didn't spark the playful atmosphere I was hoping for, even though the horde version was by some low-level alt. Maybe the Horde need it more than us. *shrugs* But anyways, I'm gonna let this thread fade and return the attention to the "real" cuties in the other one.

Also, I flew over Orgrimmar yesterday and I have a question: Do you have BBQ boar ribs every day or was that a Saturday night thing? The smoke and haze over the whole city is a bit hard to breath in, but the ribs smelled good. Or is this a clever trap to lure unsuspecting allies to their doom?
Edited by Aeralynn on 3/27/2011 6:43 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm clearly the only Cute one here.
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85 Draenei Shaman
Hurray! I AM cute!

*flexes her cute muscles*
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90 Human Hunter
Druid goes to Zenruid.

Hunter goes to -coughs- me -le cough cough-.
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85 Draenei Shaman
I say Aeralynn is the cutest and smexiest Death Knight I know! As for Druid? I'd say Zenru as well. For Paladin? I'm going to vote Hokujin, for Old Man cuteness.
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Oh, I see how it is! *pouty face*
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85 Draenei Shaman
Kailiah! You are cute! Accent over Snark! What to choose!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
The Mighty Skies is actually so adorable that his cuteness carries over beyond faction barriers.

And we don't appreciate the hatred for the smoke above Orgrimmar. That's exactly why you all have to log in to Deathwing laying the smack down on your capital.
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85 Gnome Mage
Blargh. I knew I should've saved that pic Javie has of Vel and me.
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85 Gnome Mage

I saved it this time ^_^
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
04/02/2011 08:28 AMPosted by Skies
The Mighty Skies is actually so adorable that his cuteness carries over beyond faction barriers.

Same applies to me.
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Javie has been on to us all this time?
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