Tol Barad 3-30-11 (10pm)

85 Night Elf Death Knight
Just wanted to say... that was a good battle. I think both sides brought out their best for that one and I want to respectfully say thank you to team blue and team red for the 15 minutes of teeth-grinding I had to endure (not a bad thing). As usual, for Alliance, we cut it extremely close. I still have a hoof print in my back from one of the Tauren gents stomping me into the ground. *sniffles* I hope to see you all in a future fight. /salute

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85 Tauren Warrior

I was there and it was very close indeed.

TB has been fairly evenly matched of late making for some good battles. The fact that it isn’t terribly one sided seems to have encouraged more of the good Alliance folks to come out and play resulting in some good large scale battles during peak hours. This is a good thing as far as I am concerned as there should be competition. As well it is nice to get into TB more often than not on this toon and not have to switch over to my Alliance toon. Nothing against Alliance at all - I just like PVP better on my warrior than my paladin (even though I am terrible at both).

See you in battle soon Aeralynn!
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