<Incite> is looking a little green.

85 Draenei Paladin
<Incite>, a level 22 guild, is looking to recruit raiders and casual players alike for raiding, PVP, roleplay, and everything in between.

We take great pride in our guild culture, and personality plays a large part in whether or not an applicant makes the cut. As a result of our two-month pledge process, we have one of the most close-knit, helpful, and drama-free memberships on the server.

We are currently running three successful 10-man raid groups (both 5/12 with 7/12 likely by next week), and are looking for one exceptional tanks and three qualified healers to round out a fourth raiding team. Our raid teams are formed from former hardcore raiders who simply got tired of all the drama and finger-pointing. We excel at what we do and maintain respectable progression in only six hours per week of raid time.

Our current raid times are 6-9 p.m. server, Tuesday thru Thursday, for our three raid teams.

Due to desire our fourth raid team will be on weekend nights also 6 - 9 pm server. We hope to be on par with our first 3 teams by the end of April.

In terms of casual membership, PvP and roleplay, we are looking for personable people who enjoy running battlegrounds, dungeon running, and just getting together on off nights for some roleplaying fun. Laying dormant while we geared up to begin raiding, The Crimson Vanguard, our RP contingent, is looking to reform and lay a foundation to carry us through the rest of Cataclysm.

If you are interested in joining one of the best guilds on the server, and wish to enjoy Cataclysm and all it has to offer in a supportive, friendly, family atmosphere, please apply at http://www.incitegaming.com, respond to this post, or contact me in-game.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to meet some of you soon!
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86 Draenei Shaman
Hi there! I'm considering joining a guild and it's been a few years, a break, and a server ago since I've enjoyed the experience.

I am the definition of the casual gamer. I play less than your raiders do, and it's across many alts, each exploring the newly devastated continents. Gaerth is my highest level character, and he's not yet strong enough for the Cataclysm content, even though I've been on Cenarion Circle for a year or so now.

Is there a place for players like me in a guild like Incite?
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85 Human Paladin
of course. Just go to the website, incite.guildzilla.com and put in an application. We are pretty fast with the application process, so you should know by either tonight or tomm morning, whenever you put it in
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86 Draenei Shaman
Thanks for the quick reply and the alternate website. The one listed in the original post is a little... dysfunctional ;)
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85 Human Paladin
yeah we are making a new one. so that address goes to that one. you shouldnt have an issue with the one i gave above
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