An FYI on Talibah

100 Blood Elf Priest
There is a person in another guild going around attempting to impersonate and claim to be me. This person is not. Now regardles of the day joke or not it is not funny nor amusing.
Edited by Talibah on 4/1/2011 6:55 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
It happens. Trolls will troll. You're not the only one this has ever happened to, either. I'm sure a good amount of the server who has some kind of influence has suffered some kind of misrepresentation from someone impersonating them. I'm sorry?

As far as the impersonation goes, if they state they are in fact you, that is a reportable instance. Worth a shot, anyhow.

Good luck?
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Hopefully it was just a terribly misguided April Fool's joke and will stop as of the end of the day today. Otherwise I'd agree with Ellorah - report each instance you become aware of.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
So the intent was for it to be a joke, however when I asked the person OOCly to stop it was meant with rather malicious response and the person said they were acting as me intentionally. I explained it violated the ToS and was told because it was being done via an add on it was not.

A friend of mine thought it would be funny however the other part involved placed things in their MRP etc to be mean and not funny. If it was truly meant as a joke I doubt rude remarks and a nasty MRP would have been involved.

I'm all for a good joke, but there was an obvious alterior motive behind this by one party involved. I was not pleased by the obvious mal intent. If you don't like me fine...but to go this far, well find something better to do.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
* There was never anything here, it was only your mind playing tricks on you. *
Edited by Telarian on 4/10/2011 11:10 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
And welcome to April Fools' Day, where jokes should be taken as such. Good of you to own up to it, Telarian. I'm sure once everything calms down, all can be fine again.

Sometimes, jokes get a little taken out of context. And humor is humor... kinda like that guild someone made called <Aragonath Needs a Hug>, right Tali? :)
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100 Blood Elf Priest
A joke is joke, when one is whispered malicious things it is not a joke. The responsible people have apologized its good.
Edited by Talibah on 4/2/2011 1:36 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Ah I remeber that guild, and it did give me a tickle, but~ * There was never anything here, jsut your mind playing tricks on you... AGAIN! you should have yourself seen by a doctor. *

( Bella not to offend you in anyway and I do hope you take this as it as I am meaning an honest question, but why is it any thread I read you are somewhere on it? ))
Edited by Telarian on 4/10/2011 11:11 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/02/2011 01:31 AMPosted by Telarian
( Bella not to offend you in anyway and I do hope you take this as it as I am meaning an honest question, but why is it any thread I read you are somewhere on it? ))

Oh, it takes more than that to offend me. ;) As for the coincidence of me being on threads you read, I'd prolly say it's due to one (or more) of the following:

  • I'm an active, vocal member of the SoE community and have been for years.

  • We both read RP-related posts because we both roleplay.

  • You're rather lucky. ;3

It's good, though, that you can own a mistake and work past it. We all make errors, so it's encouraging to know that other folks are willing and able to work through things like this. You're to be commended for owning what you did in apologizing, in my opinion.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
An active voice I would think of a shout, heh not to disrespect just a compliment in its own right, as to how I've only been reading these threads for a while, and I don't bother to post on them myself if somethings big enough I'll hear about it when someone wants to tlak about it. I only posted here now because it was a little more personal when you upset a ooc budd, so much a thread is made, to warn others of what you've done, as I said in my posts I felt bad, but its over and done with so last pitty-party post you'll see from The Warrior In Green.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Emile Zola once said, "I am here to live out loud." In that same thought, here I am. ;)

And post more! These are our forums. Let's use 'em!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Edited by Telarian on 4/2/2011 11:55 AM PDT
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
*puts on Bella's current armory outfit and wanders through Silvermoon pretending to be the paladin*

[Bella's Friend]: Bells... looking tall today. That winterfall firewater?
[Aera-belle]: You know it. *struts*
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
*puts on Bella's current armory outfit and wanders through Silvermoon pretending to be the paladin*

[Bella's Friend]: Bells... looking tall today. That winterfall firewater?
[Aera-belle]: You know it. *struts*

Psssht. You know Bells is all about the platform... boots. o.o

PS - Roll a Hordie. ;)
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80 Night Elf Death Knight
from the lovable Nyksis...

BAAWWW that's all I see from this post. You think saying something about it is gonna make it stop? NO it only invites more trolls. And before anyone goes saying it was me I've been off WoW for months and my account isn't even active at this time.

You fed the trolls're a magnet for love the drama...if you didn't you wouldn't do a fraction of the crap you do just like the majority of people who Trololol Silvermoon.

Laugh at yourself because trust me, everyone else already is.
Edited by Asarien on 4/7/2011 12:57 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
This was not the case, but I would agree someone came on in my armor, some parts of my name, and a guild that looked like the one I was in... Well I would laugh aswell, and I think most would see it as a joke, but there are those who don't, and even when explained that it was a joke on April-fools still get angry and feel a thread has to be made about it, to express it.
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