Je'Tze's Sparkling Tiara [Bought it!]

90 Blood Elf Priest
I will pay in gold or cookies, or a combination of both.

PST me in-game, leave a message here, or send me a letter through the mail. :)

I am not against giving my hard-earned cash to the Alliance, so I'd be willing to use the neutral Auction House. I may hate the Alliance, but I really love this hat.

Bought it earlier today! :D Thanks to everyone who made the search fun! Cookies were given out, as promised.
Edited by Spirituality on 4/5/2011 5:41 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Still looking for it. [Sad face]
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Yep, still looking for one.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Still looking. :D
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Someone sell Spirituality one! I want my cookies I was promised!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
That's right, when I get my hat, free Fortune Cookies to everyone who asks for them (and is present at that time!) 8D
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Perhaps the AAMS could be of service?

We offer an Item Finding Service and would be happy to put your Tiara onto the list of things we are keeping our eyes open for. As with all Item Finding Service agreements, there is no money down and we can figure out a reasonable payment should we come across the item for you.
Edited by Vasilia on 4/5/2011 11:56 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Perhaps the AAMS could be of service?

We offer an Item Finding Service and would be happy to put your Tiara onto the list of things we are keeping our eyes open for. As with all Item Finding Service agreements, there is no money down and we can figure out a reasonable payment should we come across the item for you.

I'd love to talk business with one of you. :) Feel free to PM me in-game or send a letter.
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((One was available Alliance side a few moments ago for more gold than I had. I checked to see if we had the funds the guild bank, went back to the AH, and it was gone.))
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