See how this goes: 10 tips to get into RP now

Taking a cue from Nozz in another thread today (, I wanted to list a couple of things that might help someone get started on this roleplaying server.

I should point out that I only rolled on SoE about a month ago, and I have been able to find a ton of RP opportunities. It does help greatly that there are a good number of players here who are very open and accommodating to new “faces”.

  • Get the MRP add-on and the Total RP add-on from Curse. Put at least some information into the description to signal other players that – yes – you are roleplaying and this isn’t loaded by accident.

  • Once you have the add-ons running, you can much more easily identify other players who also wish to roleplay. If I don’t see the MRP icon on your character pic, I won’t approach you. If I do see it, it’s like a giant bull-eye with bright, blinking neon arrows. Some even have in their RP setting “Looking for contact”. Hmm…

  • Don’t give away the house in your description or your bio. It’s more fun to discover certain back stories during interaction than to read about every little detail. Also be cautious not to outline your character too much as “shifty”, “recluse” or seeking distance from others (“Bob the Rogue stares you down with utter disdain”, etc). It’s totally fine to have a character that is a loner, but then don’t say that no one approaches you. Would you strike up a conversation with Dr. Evil in the subway?

  • These forum pages and the Sisters of Elune forum (htt:// list a number of regular RP gatherings, both on the Alliance and Horde side. The Broken House hosts storytelling every Sunday at 7:00 pm in Thunderbluff. Want to meet some roleplayers? They are there.

  • There are a couple of regulars who post a lot on these forums. Add their character to your friend list, see where they show up. Go there. Do /tar BobTheRogue – find Bob, say hi.

  • Found someone else at random? Awesome. Add them to your friends list. Then add a little note to trigger you memory later. Soon, you’ll have an endless friends list that is filled with names of other roleplaying characters. It quickly becomes very helpful to have a little note that says – “Likes archeology, discussed visiting Tanaris”. Next time you see them, you can continue where you left off.

  • Had a good experience with someone? Send a letter in game. Yes, a letter. Keep it simple. “Thank you for sharing a drink with me last night at Wyvern Tail Inn. I appreciated your hospitality. I remembered something you said about [fill in the blank]. I would like to discuss this some more with you when you are back in [fill in the blank].” Or whatever… let me tell you, getting a letter in game that isn’t from the Auction House is GOLDEN.

  • There are a couple of people who keep blogs about their characters and post stories on the forums. Could you roll an alt to fit into their story? See that nice Blood Elf over there? Create an alt that delivers a singing telegram from a “secret admirer” to her (note – there need not actually be a secret admirer, but wouldn’t you just LOVE to get a singing telegram in the middle of Orgrimmar?). If your “victim” liked your RP, just whisper out of character, then see if you can somehow connect on your primary RP character.

  • No idea how and where to start? Conduct your “business” with emotes: instead of using the Auction House, use it and type something like “/e asks the auctioneer if there is any rune cloth available.”, “/e looks at the auctioneer in complete amazement at these outrageous asking prices.” Yes, nothing may happen. Yes, someone could point out to you that “dude, you don’t have to talk to them, lol”. And yes, maybe another roleplayer will pick up on it and suddenly you are in the middle of having a conversation.

  • Last, but not least – see anyone with an RP flag and you have NO idea how to start? Just /nod or /smile at them. It’s amazing how such a little gesture can spark a lot of RP.

Finally, it helps to have some realistic expectations. Just because you are on an RP server does not mean instant 24-7 roleplaying. Be open to it, but realize that there are probably busier times than others. Roleplay with happen – but typically you get as much as you give.
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85 Night Elf Mage

Wow, Rongar. This is a wonderful post. I've been following you both here and on the SoE boards since you first asked about the server. It seems like you're really coming into your own here!

Thanks for this. Hopefully RPers, from the experienced down to 'new kids' like myself, will try one or more of these out. I sure will. =)

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Dear Mister Rongar,

I have not seen you in a few days.

I am sad.


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85 Night Elf Death Knight
There was a debate somewhere else here about people stating that they shouldn't need an addon to be able to RP. But... I explained, "So you don't want to use an RP addon, but you'll use Ventrilo, DBM, xpearl, recount, and this and that, etc, which have <nothing> to do with RP, but yet <you're> the better or "proper" roleplayer? Right..."

You don't need MyRP to roleplay, but it does help. With the very limited amount of character customization we have in WoW, using an RP addon gives you that individuality. (although it's purely from an imaginative viewpoint) If I could suggest anything to Blizzard, it would be to add this feature to the standard character-tab ingame. They already have a data-base that brings up guildinfo and achievements from current records when you inspect somebody. How hard would it be to add an RP page to the character-tab? *shrugs*
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82 Human Rogue
I love this post and you did a great job outlining some keys here, Rongar.

One thing I would add: I see a lot of folks having trouble finding RP around the server, on both Horde and A-sides. I have a theory for why this is: SoE is a smaller pop server compared to WrA and Moon Guard, for example. On servers like that, there is RP everywhere, often anytime you log in, when you stroll around the city. (There are pluses and minuses to that, but we won't get into those here.)

Smaller pop servers, you have to keep your eyes peeled a bit more. It's unrealistic to expect to find people RPing in the streets in some cities where there just aren't as many players, such as UC and Thunder Bluff (although here, you can usually find random city RP in Stormwind and Orgrimmar) on your first visit. Silvermoon City is also very active, Hordeside.

In these cases, the best way to test out the RP here is to start it yourself! Head to a spot where there are people around and openly interact with your environment. Ripped off at the auction house? Complain IC to the auctioneer. Heading to the Cathedral for training? Have a quick conversation with your trainer about the new heal spell you just learned. "Seriously, I have to LAY MY HANDS on them for it to work? Can't I just... pray from a distance or something?"

Anyway, SoE is a fantastic server and if you come with the attitude that you're here to have a good time and you're willing to work a little bit to find RP, you WILL find it. And chances are, you will be pleasantly surprised at just how awesome people are here. Bottom line, if you want ease of access to random RP, a larger pop server might be more up your alley. But if you want an active, creative RP community with a lot of fantastic roleplayers and a tight-knit but extremely welcoming bunch of folks, come to SoE. :)
Edited by Cathall on 4/5/2011 2:49 PM PDT
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