Welcome to Sisters of Elune

85 Gnome Mage
I’d like to make a request of the forum readers and lurkers.

Our forums aren’t very active. If someone came here to get a feel for what SoE is about, I’m afraid they’d leave with the wrong impression. In fact, I’d go so far as to say our forums horribly misrepresent our community. We roleplay, we raid and PvP (though we may not be the best with the latter), and while every server has its share of problems, overall I think we have a helpful and friendly place.

So, if someone came here wanting to know what SoE was about, what would you tell them? What would be your welcome?

I’m not asking people to candy coat their experiences, and there’s nothing I can do about people deciding to troll up a well-intentioned thread. I can only ask that posters try to stay constructive. Maybe this can be something to point people at the next time we see “What’s this server like?”

Edited by Nozz on 4/4/2011 12:56 PM PDT
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/gnome punt

That is all.

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85 Undead Death Knight
I'm the Horde side of the server.


Oh yes.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
What would I say?

*clears throat*

My name is Bella, and I'm an alt-oholic.

Oh, wait... Let me start over.

Heya... I'm Bells. I've been on SoE for well over three years now, give or take a few months when I tried other servers (RP and PvE). I've always come back home, however, because that's how SoE feels to me.

Over the course of the last few years, I've met a good many people here. There's definitely been highs and lows in it all, as anyone can expect. I've not always been perfect, and nor has everyone else. We're people behind the polygons, after all, and we're going to make mistakes. There's a good group of folks here, however, that are willing to work past it when someone makes errors or lapses in judgment. These are the folks that are in it for the long haul, recognize the human element of the game, and aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves and keep the server going with a bit of work (and communication).

We have some folks who like the PvE aspect and aren't complete elitists. We've got some people that like to poke about in PvP without having to NERD!rage and smack their score on your forehead to feel better. As much, we have a good group of dedicated role players on both sides of the Alli/Horde coin that would be welcoming of new characters, plots, storylines, events, and ideas. In short, we have a little bit of everything that folks look for in this game when they play on a more casual basis.

We're not the most high-pop RP server. We're not ranked high for raid progression (since that's not what "RP" stands for), nor are we setting the world aflame with our phenomenal PvP. We've got an odd mix of folks who seem to want to come here to do their own thing. If being on the bleeding edge of content, being afloat in lofty arena team scores, or swimming in high-pop (numbers only, not including nor indicating quality) role play scenes are what you're looking for, you might want to try elsewhere. There's a chance you might be unhappy here, and we don't want that for you. After all, who wants to really make others miserable over a game?

If you like the idea of casual raiding, laid-back PvP, or roleplay with depth and meaning rather than "Hi! I love you. Let's marry! What's your name? AMG LET'S FIGHT!", welcome to SoE. It won't be perfect while you're here, but I know I'll try and help make this a better place for you as I can. There's a lot of others who will, too.

I guess, in the end, folks on SoE are playing a game and trying to have fun while helping others do the same. You're more than welcome to join us if that sounds good to you.

Peace, Love, and Lok'tar,
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85 Night Elf Druid
Trust me Nozz, you know you don't want me greeting anyone new to the server. I'm pretty sure the place would be a ghost town within hours if you let me loose upon them. >__>

However I DO have a gazillion alts to hide on while the people rocking back and forth and babbling after an encounter with me recover. So here goes!

[Disclaimer: I do in fact talk this much all the time. Just ask anyone in <Clockwerk>. So, sorry for rambling!]

Most people call me Hiccup these days - I've been SoE for several years. I originally rolled an alt here to play with friends that I'd known since I began playing in vanilla [otherwise known as the long long ago], and that was the only reason I really had any attachment to the server. As time went on, my main's guild broke up, and I started spending more time here than on what I considered then to be my home server.

For the first couple years, I kept mostly to myself. I did my forum rp occasionally, but my focus was definitely on the PvE aspects of the game. I joined two raiding guilds that did pretty well for themselves, and were great players and people, but eventually we all burnt out from raiding, as tends to happen even on the casual side.

I can tell you right now, that this server can be just any server until you really put yourself out there. I was a click away from transferring off server last May - like literally bringing up the xfer multiple times before closing the window. But something made me give it another shot. So I went in another direction, and really dove into the roleplay aspect of the game. I joined <Clockwerk>, really got involved, and have never been happier in-game as a result.

Despite what people seem to be saying, the roleplayers on this server are some of the most inclusive and caring people I've ever met. Yes we have our share of elitists, and yes we have our drama [what are essentially actors without drama? Oh please...] but in the end there are so many people here willing to step up and pull us back - people who DO care when you don't feel included, or that you're lost as to where to get started. Complete strangers that will send you bags, gear and offer their services when they're not busy.

But you need to step up yourself and take risks. Go get a roleplay addon, check out people's profiles and approach the people you find interesting. If you feel ignored most people will respond to an OOC whisper so long it is clearly marked and polite. A simple ((Are you busy? I was looking for a bit of roleplay if you'd be interested!)) goes a long way. Personally I enjoy every aspect of the game, from roleplay, to PvE to PvP to farming rep...so I tend to have a short attention span and have been known to miss someone trying to start something IC with me. An OOC poke is usually all it takes to make me focus again.

THIS is how I made my real connections here. Grabbing people in trade, my guild, and IC - actively making things happen. I spent two years waiting to be the one asked to do something and to me this was just another server. A few months of asking others and it became a home. There are people here from all walks of life that enjoy every aspect of the game, however we need to consider the fact that other people can be JUST as shy as we are, and if you step up and get peoples attention, 9/10 times those great players waiting in the wings for someone to ask will flock to you, and you'll have all the connections you need.

...and this turned more into advice than a welcome. Damnit.

But for srs. If you're looking for good people, great roleplay and an immensely diverse playerbase that enjoys every aspect of the game, then you will find it if you reach out around here. We have multiple roleplaying, PvE and even a few PvP guilds, and a good steady playerbase that cares about this server and consider it their in-game home.

<3 Ze Hiccup.

Edited by Hiccup on 4/5/2011 9:30 AM PDT
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*is crushed by massive walls of text*
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82 Human Rogue
There are two words that best sum up SoE in my mind: community and creativity.

After taking a break from WoW several months ago, I seriously contemplated parking my butt on WrA or Moon Guard, full-time. And yet, something drew me back to SoE. After some thought, I realized it was the stories I'd read, posted by Horde and Alliance roleplayers on both the official boards and the unofficial Sisters of Elune forum (sistersofelune.org).

I saw people who loved their characters enough to weave virtual novels for them. People who'd put work into these stories for several years, and clearly something had kept them on SoE long enough to do so.

SoE brings me back because of the people. Every server has its ups and downs, its share of drama and discontent, and every server comes out differently. SoE has always come out, in my mind, as a stronger, better community.

So to sum it up, my experiences here have been mostly good. Sure there have been some moments where OOC drama made things unpleasant, but overall I've seen some really creative, interesting people develop backgrounds and storylines on this server that have held my interest beyond any other. And maybe most importantly, I've seen people come together when times have gotten tough, talk through their issues, and plow ahead even when the going hasn't been easy.

To newcomers, I say, welcome. If you're looking to get involved, there are a few good posts to check out:

The Unofficial Orgrimmar and Other Places for RP thread

10 Tips to Get Into RP Now

Guild Directory

Sisters of Elune IC Blogs and Twitter/Out of Game Communication
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100 Orc Warrior
04/04/2011 12:44 PMPosted by Nozz
If someone came here to get a feel for what SoE is about, I’m afraid they’d leave with the wrong impression. In fact, I’d go so far as to say our forums horribly misrepresent our community

The impression that most of the cool people were banned from forums pre-cata and either haven't realized they're allowed to post again, or just don't want to get banned all over again?

We like to speak our minds ^.^

P.S. Gnomes are for nom.
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85 Gnome Mage
04/09/2011 08:37 AMPosted by Káhn
The impression that most of the cool people were banned from forums pre-cata and either haven't realized they're allowed to post again, or just don't want to get banned all over again?

Well, not even that (although that's probably another thing). I've just seen a number of people make the remark that they thought our server was "dead" from how slowly our forums moved, or that very little RP-related stuff was happening here. And that's definitely not the case.


04/09/2011 08:37 AMPosted by Káhn
P.S. Gnomes are for nom.

Yes they are.
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