Healthypets headlines on WoW Insider

90 Tauren Druid
Cenarion Circle gets a rare mention on WoW Insider thanks to the antics of Healthypets, the premier pet provider for the Alliance of our server.

Cheers for Healthypets.

Might have to jump on one of my alliance alts and buy a pet now...

In fact, I think this is the second time our server has featured on 15 Minutes of Fame... didn't Aislinana get an article too a few years back?
Edited by Surehoof on 4/7/2011 11:57 AM PDT
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Congrats to them!

I know that CC had a spot about the RP promotional video that was made for the server. Took me a while, but I found a copy of it.

Not to take away from what healthypets have has achieved; it always nice to see those working hard for something they enjoy get some recognition for it!
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90 Human Death Knight
I went on a pet buying frenzy recently (dropped about 2k gold on various pets) and not only did i wind up purchasing most of them from Healthypets (cause the prices were great) but when I logged in the next day, they had sent me an in-game mail thanking me for my purchase and gave me a Crashin' Thrashin' pet as a bonus for buying so much from them.

THAT is how you run an in-game business, folks. Now, whenever I get the urge to buy more pets on the AH, on any of my characters, I will be buying solely from Healthypets!

Good on ya, mate!
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Same thing with me Verogoth. I just mailed it back since I had one already. :P
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85 Night Elf Druid
@Verogoth & Paranitis

Same here! I was very impressed about his professionalism. I even contacted him personally about buying a particular pet from him and he mailed it to me for free! It was worth a pretty decent amount of gold as well. I'll continue to go to him for my pet addiction! ;D
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