Directory of SoE RP'er Blogs, Twitters, etc.

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Let's get a directory going of blogs, Twitter accounts, and other methods folks use for RP in addition to the game! Add your info to the thread and I'll enter it on the list below.

Sitting back and thinking about how interwoven everything is, I was wondering who else out there has other methods of roleplay outside of the game itself. I know there's quite a few of us, but there might be some disconnect between groups, so to speak.

So... here's a couple of questions for my fellow SoE'ers:

When you're not logged in to the game, do you roleplay your SoE characters using other methods?

If so, what methods do you use?



Bellamuerte Boldvalor
"Accounts, Observations, and Musings"
Twitter: @BellaBoldvalor

Twitter: @Budo1234

Chartreux (Boldvalor) Sin'thori
"Of Shadow and Light"
Twitter: @Priestess_Char

Diandar (probably relocating to Wordpress in the future.)
Twitter: @ScoutDiandar

Ellorah Mahy
Twitter: @ElusiveElly

Genarianna Shinestrong
"Pearls and Fireworks"
Twitter: @ArcanistGenna

Kylea "Kalico" (Duskrider) Boldvalor (mostly PvE, with some RP entries)

Molly Frostleaf
Twitter: @MollyFrostleaf

Noxcia Stormblade

Rathic Duskcleave
Twitter: @SunreaverRathic
Skype: Rathic Duskcleave

Rongar Bonemender
Twitter: @shamanrongar

Tabit Frostleaf
Twitter: @TabitFrostleaf


Twitter: @Cathall_S

Twitter: @GennyStorm


Nozz (and her stable of characters!)
Twitter: @Nozz_Tappet

Twitter: @VivDemonicAngel

SoE SERVER FACEBOOK PAGE:!/group.php?gid=96259376741
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/11/2011 12:20 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
When you're not logged in to the game, do you roleplay your SoE characters using other methods?

If so, what methods do you use?

I have In-Character journals for Molly and Ellorah:

I have In-Character Twitters for Molly and Ellorah:

I have also been known to RP on AIM, Y!IM, Skype, and via forums and PM's, thought o a much lesser extent.
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82 Human Rogue
Between work and other miscellaneous Real Life Stuff, my playtime is kind of sporadic, which is a downer when a lot of fun IC stuff is going on. Add to that the fact that I RP both Horde and Alliance, and have a severe case of alt-itis, and it can be tough to track me down sometimes. <cough> A lot of my toons often RP out of the city, too, or get stationed out of major RP hubs, so it can be hard to find me even when I am logged in.

I've used Google docs for a lot of my out of game RP, along with chat clients of many shapes and sizes. I'm less comfortable with forum RP, but then, I haven't done it that much so I probably just need more practice to figure out how to do it properly.

I've got a few IC blogs as well:

Twitter: @Cathall_S

Twitter: @SunreaverRathic

Diandar (probably relocating to Wordpress in the future.)

I also hang out at the unofficial SoE RP boards ( and can be reached by PMs over there.
Edited by Cathall on 4/7/2011 8:15 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
My blog's mostly about PvE stuff, but one can find the occasional story about Kalico here:
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I know I am not the most active Rper (my muse still has alot of rust on it ><) but you can find my postings at I do also warn you that my posts tend to be a bit darker in nature, so do be warned.
Edited by Nocxia on 4/7/2011 9:41 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
(my muse still has alot of rust on it ><).

I find that hard to believe actually x3 You come up with some rather good ideas and contributions to the interactions we've had.
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82 Human Rogue
(my muse still has alot of rust on it ><).

I find that hard to believe actually x3 You come up with some rather good ideas and contributions to the interactions we've had.

Hear, hear. Nocxia r brilliant at teh RPz!

(unlike me, who gets a wrapped gift from someone in game, then forgets to give it to its intended recipient, who then asks "what's in the box?" and I go DERRRRP)

<realigns the thread train tracks>
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
While there is quite a bit of forum rp that happens in my little community, Skype has become a hub for rp with us that has been pretty much invaluable with our SoE toons. Generally when people think Skype they think voice chat but really it's just as good for a messenger and it's free and so easy to use.

With virtually unlimited posting space you can do long descriptive paragraphs without being cut off. You can add vast amounts of people to a group conversation for events where you might be playing more than one character, or for those that can't log into game for an event (we've gotten up to 12 people in a conversation/skype rp event before if I recall).

Our group usually posts pictures of whatever toon we happen to be rping at the time in the profile picture space provided to let people know what we're doing or what we're in the mood for. Plus it's an amazing way to quickly file share and toss around ideas without the limitation of posting space. For privacy if you're doing an rp that you don't generally want anyone to see just yet, or just to do an rp and then copy/paste it onto your guild's forums!

Skype is a tool that is an essential as well for those of your guild mates out of town and unable to log on to WoW due to thinks like, hotel key loggers and limited bandwidth access, there really is no down side.

Anyhow just throwing that out there in case anyone else might find it useful, I personally don't know what I'd do without it.

Thumbs up for the thread.
Edited by Nyksis on 4/8/2011 8:33 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Thumbs up for the thread and the ideas!

While I travel quite a bit, Skype has been a great source and I have been hearing a lot about this Twitter jobbie.... it is intriguing! How random does it become RPing on Twitter? One thing I miss about places like Chathouse was the randomness of who you would find yourself RPing with that night if you walked into a tavern and looked around.
This sort of thing has been more rare lately in game, as I have characters that are designed for walk-up RP and sometimes it gets to be a quiet night now and again when I'm looking for the randomness excitement of new ideas from a fresh face I've never played with before.
And if Twitter isn't so random, does anyone have another outlet that is besides being in game? I'd be interested to see posted.

Happy RPing to you all!
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85 Undead Rogue
4905!/Budo1234 Well, I do have that. Feel free to.. follow me, or whatever it is twitter does! On the note of other RP, I RPed a little on the Lord of the Rings MMO, but apart from that, not much. C: Need to get around to writing more history for Budo.. wordpress it is?
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86 Troll Hunter
I'll toss mine up, though I tend to forget to use it. Until I get yelled at.
I tend to RP just in-game, but I have used messengers from time to time.

Twitter: @TabitFrostleaf
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85 Human Paladin
Teir, a lot of us find and keep track of each other via the IC SoE Twitter list that I maintain; you can take a look at it here:

I add any IC accounts that start following @Daphne_West to the list, or you can DM me and ask to be added. We use the #ooc hashtag to indicate OOC tweets. :)

As for blogs! I have a new one for Eppy (aka Hephziba) at
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Here is mine, but it's just a place to keep the stories I have posted on the forum in one spot:

The twitter feed just updates when I have a new post - so far.
Lord knows, I honestly have no clue how to use Twitter properly...
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated through Rongar's post.

Teir, a lot of us find and keep track of each other via the IC SoE Twitter list that I maintain; you can take a look at it here:

I add any IC accounts that start following @Daphne_West to the list, or you can DM me and ask to be added. We use the #ooc hashtag to indicate OOC tweets. :)

As for blogs! I have a new one for Eppy (aka Hephziba) at

Is the Horde-side list still being maintained? Was thinking of starting another one if not.

Also, has the SoE general list been culled for those who have left server/are inactive?
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/11/2011 6:55 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
How random does it become RPing on Twitter?

I've had a good deal of random interaction, especially with cross-faction things. This has led to folks rolling Horde characters and starting to branch out with them. It's a nice, "soft" introduction so you can get used to interacting with someone's style. I also find it useful to help flesh out moments of my own characters interacting ("behind the scenes"), leading up to entries I write for journals and stories, and even using it to avoid metagaming by being able to communicate where someone is located, etc.

This sort of thing has been more rare lately in game, as I have characters that are designed for walk-up RP and sometimes it gets to be a quiet night now and again when I'm looking for the randomness excitement of new ideas from a fresh face I've never played with before.

Wyvern's Tail in Orgrimmar is the new Cheers: Azeroth edition. The benefit (aside from not being in /eyetwitchSMC) is that it seems so ALIVE and in the middle of the action, so to speak. It sets the tone for what is really going on in Azeroth now, as compared to being removed from everything like Silvermoon feels (SMC so two expacs ago! ;P On a more serious note and as a personal example, Bells only travels back to Silvermoon when she either has to or just to "vacation," so to speak. The world's focus has shifted, as did her location.).

In short, for those who want to indulge in what Cata offers us for possible story lines, Orgrimmar is the hub, so you might want to try there when you're in the mood for randomy randomness.

And though some refuse to acknowledge that SMC guards wouldn't allow a takeover of the city, it's pretty much given that Kor'kron wouldn't put up with someone trying to play "Gangs of New York" in Orgrimmar, so that style of RP is rare. And by rare, I mean I've yet to see it. \o/

Happy RPing to you all!

Ditto. :)
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/13/2011 7:18 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
04/11/2011 06:36 AMPosted by Bellamuerte
Also, has the SoE general list been culled for those who have left server/are inactive?

That's a good question, because there are quite a few that have stopped using it or never used it to begin with.

Like Rongar, these days I generally use Nozz's Twitter (@Nozz_Tappet) to announce new stories or RP/writing related things I find. Occasionally I'll toss out an IC Tweet if it's something that might lead up to a story or is involved with something in-game; otherwise I really don't think people are interested in her fumbling around the farm or threatening the cow.

... or maybe they are, I don't know XD
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
otherwise I really don't think people are interested in her fumbling around the farm or threatening the cow.

... or maybe they are, I don't know XD

I remember reading Nozz's Tweet, "Cows. How do they work?" and just lol'ing. Bells never said anything, but she would have made some snide remark, most certainly. xD

People notice, though. Trust me. ;)
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82 Human Rogue
04/11/2011 07:10 AMPosted by Nozz
Also, has the SoE general list been culled for those who have left server/are inactive?

That's a good question, because there are quite a few that have stopped using it or never used it to begin with.

Like Rongar, these days I generally use Nozz's Twitter (@Nozz_Tappet) to announce new stories or RP/writing related things I find. Occasionally I'll toss out an IC Tweet if it's something that might lead up to a story or is involved with something in-game; otherwise I really don't think people are interested in her fumbling around the farm or threatening the cow.

... or maybe they are, I don't know XD

Hey, this is Nozz we're talking about. Heck yeah farms and cows could be interesting. >.>

Using Twitter for IC communication is actually really fun. I kind of hated Twitter (yes, I was one of those "OMG SOCIAL MEDIA R EVIL" people) until I figured I'd give it a shot, and now I think it's awesome. It's sort of like the idea that some IC guilds use with guild chat as being IC, with the communicator system. Only it's not exclusive to one guild; it's the whole server, and anyone who wants to participate. Thus, awesome. :D
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Using Twitter for IC communication is actually really fun. I kind of hated Twitter (yes, I was one of those "OMG SOCIAL MEDIA R EVIL" people) until I figured I'd give it a shot, and now I think it's awesome. It's sort of like the idea that some IC guilds use with guild chat as being IC, with the communicator system. Only it's not exclusive to one guild; it's the whole server, and anyone who wants to participate. Thus, awesome. :D

And it's actually how Cathall and I started "chatting" ICly, completely xfaction. Now? He's got three (kinda fourish?) characters that are gettin' in the groove on Horde side, making contacts, having story lines develop, etc. The RP I've had with him might not have happened if it hadn't been for a couple of Tweets he and I exchanged, so I'm thankful for it. :3

All it takes is a read-through and a response. Plant those seeds! :D
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/13/2011 7:19 AM PDT
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