Boycotting the AAMS

85 Tauren Paladin
*A notice is tacked up in all major cities and townships*

Citizens of the Horde. For the past few weeks the AAMS has been aiding and abetting attacks on Horde Soldiers under a false guise of neutrality. Last night they chose to build a new settlement on the Tauren lands of Camp Turajo. Pleading from the Shu'halo and other nations of the Horde falling on deaf ears, allowing alliance members to get free transport. These members then attacked members of the horde unprovoked in the surrounding areas of Camp Turajo

The Horde will not tolerate this injustice any longer. To date, 131 members of the horde have perished in these attacks. These include women and children. The reputation of this once pristine organization is now forever sullied. I call for a boycott of their services, effective immediately.

((ooc: Yes, I have read your threads about how nothing bad happened, but that's a bold faced lie, as SOON as your event started, the attacks can't ignore these things. Suprisingly enough, it wasn't the Horde or myself who started these attacks. Like the courier incident, the face remains that people who entered southern barrens, came to you event (even for a split second) and then attacked horde bases IS your fault. ))
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86 Troll Shaman
((Whoa. One moment.

Ehlina had a raid planned on Monday at the same time and in the Southern Barrens. It was a bad coincidence and a failure of ours to coordinate the attack with the rebuilding event. AAMS is neither connected with that ICly or OOCly, however.

If you you still wish to take it ICly, go right ahead--it does look suspicious and I think it will generate some interesting RP. But please double-check with us OOCly before OOCly accusing us of planning something like this. The AAMS does take its neutrality very seriously, even though we do sometimes mess up, like in the case of the courier. We're only human.

I do apologize for the confusion. If there are any doubts about what went on, please come speak to me or another AAMS officer. We'd be glad to explain and work out ways to keep OOC toes from being trod on, now and in the future.))
Edited by Yotingo on 4/5/2011 10:33 AM PDT
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85 Tauren Paladin
((oocly, we ALL tried to get the AAMS to move the event, on both the forums and in game. And were met with hostility and a "we are holding this even if you like it or not" Hence, this posting. I feel that the organizers of this event KNEW the risks they were taking. Here are the consequences, deal with them accodringly! ^_^))
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((Just to clarify our position on this -- we're thrilled to see in-character backlash and suspicion here. The in-character part of this thread is great; we're glad to be provoking this sort of RP.

We do, however, want to avoid any confusion OOC. What we'd planned for last night was the town-building event, as advertised in the "Taurajo Renewal Project" thread. Our original focus was mostly going to be on the "players as vendors/trainers/NPCs" gimmick.

The RP-PvP that happened the same night was planned by people from the Horde and the Alliance, and the AAMS wasn't part of that planning. Ehlina was good enough to quietly warn me ahead of time, OOC, that our event was probably going to be a little hotter than we'd planned, but that was as much as we knew or were involved with.

So we hope people are enjoying having the AAMS as figures of suspicion, and we're happy to help keep that RP going. But if there's any question as to whether we're planning attacks OOC, the answer's always going to be "nope." Doesn't mean people shouldn't blame the AAMS in-character -- just want everything clear OOC.))
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86 Troll Shaman
((I don't remember any OOC requests of that kind, though I admit I'm also not around that often. Please do not make the mistake of mixing IC with OOC intents and actions. IC attacks are welcomed. OOC attacks are not. If there is something we did wrong OOCly, please come talk to us in private so we can work something out.))
Edited by Yotingo on 4/5/2011 10:46 AM PDT
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85 Tauren Paladin
((I'm talking of IC requests Yotingo: See the Turajo Renewal Project thread, as well as IC conversations before the event.))
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88 Gnome Death Knight
04/05/2011 10:35 AMPosted by Lithune
((oocly, we ALL tried to get the AAMS to move the event, on both the forums and in game. And were met with hostility and a "we are holding this even if you like it or not" Hence, this posting. I feel that the organizers of this event KNEW the risks they were taking. Here are the consequences, deal with them accodringly! ^_^))

((This concerns me a little. Only one person mentioned the possibility of moving the event to me OOC, and that person quickly clarified that we should go ahead and make what OOC plans we thought were best.

Many people asked the AAMS to move the event in-character. Andelia and Aeldgyth (my characters both, full disclosure) willfully ignored them, and of course the rebuffed characters should be furious with the AAMS. That's fine and good, and honestly desirable -- stirring the pot keeps the RP fresh. We're all thrilled to see posts like the in-character part of the original one in this thread.

But I'm not at all comfortable with the correlation between the in-character letters asking Andelia to rethink and any sort of OOC requests that the event be moved or altered. One person came to me OOC about the event, and he/she was very polite and thoughtful throughout. I was grateful for the chance to talk it over, and we both came away agreeing that it would be better to let the whole thing be worked out in-character, come what may.

We're happy to take blame in-character; we're thrilled that the AAMS is getting some well-deserved suspicion. The guild has been a sneaky bunch of meddlers since Day One, give or take some truly idealistic spurts here and there. But we do that because people seem to enjoy the RP it provokes.

If there's OOC concerns, we need to hear about them OOC. As far as our last event goes, I only got one OOC approach, and I think myself and the other party were both fine with how that went.))
Edited by Aeldgyth on 4/5/2011 10:55 AM PDT
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86 Troll Shaman
((oocly, we ALL tried to get the AAMS to move the event...))

((I'm talking of IC requests Yotingo: See the Turajo Renewal Project thread, as well as IC conversations before the event.))

((<scratches head>

What Aeldgyth said. Please do not let any bad feelings fester. Let's get them out in the open now before there's any drama explosions further down the road. I think I can safely say we all want to avoid that. :)

If you're both online right now and willing, I can snag you both in a group ingame and we talk it out there, along with anyone else who may be concerned. I'd rather pull it away from this thread so people can get to RPing about this latest setback for the AAMS. :) I'll start! ))

Yotingo sighed as he looked at the notices, rubbing his temple. He thought to himself he was getting too old for this...only to remember he was still middle-aged, if even that old. The games the spirits played!

He pulled down two of the notices and folded them up, writing a quick memo to the leaders of the Horde Branch and the Alliance Branch.

To: Horde Branch CEO Sul'fon and Alliance Branch CEO Aeldgyth
From: Horde Branch Manager Yotingo

In case you haven't gotten one already, I thought you ought to have a copy of your very own to hang on your wall, mon!

All humor aside, we ought to be making some public announcements and fast, especially in Thunder Bluff. Will the forces of Ehlina submit to a cease fire while this is worked out? I don't like getting involved in politics, mon, but it looks like we're in the middle of a giant political storm whether we like it or not. Batten down the hatches and all that.

Oh, and best not to let Payload Inc. see any of this. They'll never let us live it down.

Sincerely yours,
Edited by Yotingo on 4/5/2011 11:08 AM PDT
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85 Tauren Paladin
((To clarify, my post ((oocly we all tried..)) was just that. on a OOC level, there were people trying to get the event moved/postponed, and THIS is the IC reaction to the events of monday, quit looking so deep into something and just RP damn it! =P ))
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88 Gnome Death Knight
TO: Yotingo, Horde Branch
FROM: Aeldgyth, Alliance Branch

I don't mind some tauren being cross at us, Yotingo, but could you whisper in a few ears and get the concept of a charitable organization across to them? We don't make a profit that could be hurt by a boycott. I rather wish we did; it would reduce the out-of-pocket funding my branch needs.

I'd let the public statements go for a bit. No need to repeat our position -- we made it clear; people will agree or not as they see fit. We'll see how many people come around when we shift to Alliance lands for the next rebuilding. Let the anger burn itself out a bit for the next few days.

Aeldgyth Whistlespark,
Manager, Alliance Branch
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100 Orc Shaman
*Another notice is added below Lithune's.*

I agree with everything Lithune has said here. Not only were the AAMS content to have their little "market" on the grounds where the Alliance viciously slaughtered countless Tauren, they had the balls to invite the very folks who took part in the attack.

They willfully ignored any requests to send aid while we fought back Ehlina's troops at Vendetta Point and Desolation Hold. Instead, they holed up in the ruins of Taurajo, refusing to even glance our way as the battle raged around them.

At best, the current AAMS leadership is stubborn, self-serving, and ignorant. At worst, they are traitors and enemies of the Horde.

I have called for a boycott myself, beginning two weeks ago, when a member of their Alliance branch willingly broke neutrality and assisted in an attack on Desolation Hold.

I have urged all students, faculty, and staff at the Doctas School of Medicine to follow my lead, and it is my hope that all true and loyal members of the Horde will join us in this endeavor.

Hellscream's Eyes are watching.

Dean Oskor, Doctas School of Medicine
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Vasilia sat at her desk reading over the various notes and after action reports compiled about the events in The Barrens the night before. She was still upset about being ordered to stay in Stormwind by Aeldgyth, but she understood that her Branch Manager had good reason to not want her there.

As she finished reading the reports and various notes, she became somewhat confused.

"Mr. Verogoth, have you read these notices sent over from the Horde office yet?" she asked to Rillik, who busy at his desk across the room.

"Yes Ma'am. I read them this morning before you came in." he replied.

"This note, from... who is it, Oskar," she said, checking the notes, "is this from the same Orc that was making all the fuss last week complaining that I picked sides at the Alliance attack in the Barrens?"

Verogoth rummages through some papers on his desk, finding the one he was looking for and reading it over. "Oskar? Yes, he is the one that was making the claims that you violated the AAMS neutrality policy. In fact, he did everything short of forming a lynch mob and hunting for you."

"I see," said Vasilia, reading over his note again. "It would appear that from his note he is complaining that the horde members of the AAMS stayed in Camp Taurajo while the Alliance attacked Vendetta Point and Desolation Hold, and that, and I quote "Willfully ignored any requests to send aid," end quote."

"I hadn't noticed that," commented Verogoth, picking up a copy of the note and reading it again. "Yes, it would seem that is what he is saying, Ma'am."

"Alright... so he complains that a member of the Alliance branch, namely myself, violated the neutrality policy, despite the evidence, testimony and acceptance of such by Ms. Redearth herself that it was an honest mistake, and now he is saying the Horde branch are traitors because they did not come to his aid during an attack, which would have been a clear violation of the same neutrality policy."

"Yes Ma'am," replied Verogoth, "It would appear that the Orc must believe the AAMS neutrality policy should only apply to others and not when he is the one needing help."

Vasilia shook her head and put the papers into the drawer marked "The Barrens"

"Mr. Verogoth, will you please make a note that we are going to need a bigger filing cabinet?" asked Vasilia, noticing the drawer was already bulging, "I have a feeling we are going to need the extra room."

"Yes Ma'am, I will add it to the list of supplies we need."
Edited by Vasilia on 4/5/2011 1:35 PM PDT
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I'd let the public statements go for a bit. No need to repeat our position -- we made it clear; people will agree or not as they see fit. We'll see how many people come around when we shift to Alliance lands for the next rebuilding. Let the anger burn itself out a bit for the next few days.
KODOFLOP. You can't just sit up there on yer high horse and discount the passions of an entire poeple. You can't just sit superior to everything and pretend everything is hunky dory lovely huggins when it most assuredly ain't. There's a time and a place for everything, but this ain't the time, nor the place, for that yer doin.

I was there. I blew up a few Lluchduu Ocheliad meself (and got my feathers singed some bit in the process). It was a full scale battle at one point. And during the market? Magikal wards up enforcing "peace" - on all but some poor youngings who hadn't the good sense ta git outta the way, or were being used as bait. Where's the free will in that?

And there's one important difference yer fergettin. Any honorable horde ain't gonna set up shop on lands what don't belong to them, and that means any part of Ashenvale what ain't between Warsong Lumber Camp, Splintertree and Demon's Fall, or in the immediate vicinity of Zoram'gar. Everything outside that is properly elf land. We don't need the lumber no more anyhow, what for we got all them forests in northrend fer if not for loggin efforts?

Wut the AAMS is doin, an' it pains me something fierce ta say this, is nuthin more than showboating. This ain't some effort ta promote peace an understanding, rather, this here's a cold, calculated, businesslike, decision deliberately engineered to increase tensions, foment conflict, and destabilize an already simmering powderkeg of resentments, troubles, and blood. I oughtta know, I wrote many pages of that exact book. Who profits in times of war? Weaponmakers, goblins, and any other organization that plays both sides against the other. Follow the trail of business and you'll find a bunker full of secrets.

Them gobs finally wised up and are choosing a much more blood needs ta be spilled before the AAMS makes the same admission?

((edited: - removed my occ bit. Need to follow my own rules regarding generalized statements. My bad.))
Edited by Plainswander on 4/5/2011 1:55 PM PDT
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((EDIT: removed my OOC bit, commenting on Plains OOC bit, which he has removed...... For the record, this is ALL great RP entertainment. The more people we can draw into the IPA's original Barrens Crusade story the better!))
Edited by Vasilia on 4/5/2011 2:04 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Arothand tacks a sloppily written, ale-stained note beneath Oskor and Lithune's.

I'm with the old man and the Shu'halo. Peaceful my ass. We were just sitting, minding our own business, when the Lucky Ducks decided to attack outta nowhere. The big squidface that attacked Oskor at the last AAMS 'peaceful' event, if'n I remember correctly, and a bunch of other Lucky Goons.

I hate to bloody say it, but it was the Pillar of Honor who was actually honorable for bloody once. Ngh. I think I'm gonna be sick just writing that, but, it was them who tried to end the fight and leave on peaceful terms. Kinda sad when I prefer a militant group over the Lucky Ducks and the AAMS.

Listen to the old man. Light knows he's been alive long enough to see this kinda political crap.

AAMS, go to hell. Bring your couriers and your Lucky Ducks with you.

-Arothand Lightsworn of the Razortalons.
Edited by Arothand on 4/5/2011 3:00 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Anya looked over the stacks of copied notices regarding this entire fracas. After rolling one bruised shoulder from the battling before, she reached for her quill.

An hour later, a third parchment had been nailed below Oskor's.

Oskor and Plainswander are quite correct, and I stand with them.

What kind of people can stand idly by, preening and showing off how caring and wonderful they are, while the screams of the dead and dying echo over the hills? You left innocents to die without even basic medical aid during your dog and pony show on the sacred graves of Taurajo. How many lives could have been saved if you had got off your backsides and sent medical help instead of carrying on with false motives in Taurajo?

The AAMS is tempting fate, here. And if there's one thing any right-thinking being ought to realize by now, is that fate is a royal witch when one thumbs their nose at it. Watch your backs, ladies and gents who fly the false-neutral flag of the AAMS. The powers that be will eventually take note, and I only pray that your stupidity, your arrogance, and your heartless scheming doesn't kill any more innocents.

The blood of those cut down last eve stain your hands, and it will never wash out.

Light show mercy on you, for I doubt the Horde will.

Lady Captain Anya Caerys Shadethorn,
Blood Knight of Silvermoon

((OOC edit: Blah, stupid language filters >>. ))
Edited by Caerys on 4/5/2011 2:59 PM PDT
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96 Tauren Hunter
The Tauren fell back against the warm rocks, his body finally giving out on him. Sweat, mud and blood covered his fur, his armor long discarded in a pile nearby. Every muscle in his body was sore, and he could feel the bruises from the night's battle with unfortunate intensity. Collapsed at his side, looking just as worn out and worse for the wear, was Ehawne. But as he glanced at her, he found they were both smiling. The tired but satisfied smile of those who have worked towards a common goal.

Around them, guards were pacing along the edge of Vendetta Point, all of them having been awake for longer than anyone should. Yet all of them walked with pride, their heads held high. The small camp no longer looked like a war zone, and the broken down fences had been repaired and reinforced. Shallow graves had been dug outside the camp, and the blood had been washed out as best they could. The few who had survived the repeated assaults had been treated and sent out to larger towns for care, but most of the people around tonight were fresh reinforcements. Maybe the fact that Vendetta Point was not a large camp had been a blessing, the civilian losses side had been limited.

But the Horde fought hard for the camp, and paid for it.

Dernes could still clearly see Fallenrose and Ehlina, standing within the camp in all their fighting fury. There had been a couple of rogues as well... Those he had come to know a bit too intimately tonight. The first time they were able to reclaim the camp... but they were not as successful the second time. Just as they were regrouping to launch an attack, the Alliance had left the smoking ruins to return to Desolation Hold. It had been a game. A show of power.

As he had watched the Horde fly out after the Alliance, Dernes had felt a touch of sadness. All of them were chasing after the Alliance with hate and fury in their hearts. How it had all ended he did not know, but he knew that Desolation Hold would be taken care of once the fighting was done. Enough people of heart were fighting to ensure the dead were buried and wounded seen to. Enough people remembered just how much work was needed after a battle.

A messenger came to where they were resting, a small worried expression on his face. "You... wanted to be kept informed..." He handed a series of posters and notes, all the recent propaganda from the various groups involved in this mess. Dernes read them over and sighed, his gaze turning towards Camp Taurajo.

"And to think. This is only the beginning..."
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85 Night Elf Druid
((My turn to chime in. It was unfortunate that the attack planned by Ehlina was due to start at the same hour as the Renewal. HOWEVER, the AAMS were not a part of this. Now, Stormwind was buzzing of Ehlina's arm....))

A small paper appears by the other posts, this one is a picture. There are two small pictures in boxes, both of Cyrus and horde dueling.

The main picture depicts a group of seven alliance, notably three Lluchduu Ocheliad members, attacking the remaining Horde at camp Taurajo. Attacks were focused on an orc shaman with an "O" scribbled on, a tauren druid with a "P", and a tauren colored red.

Under the main picture is two more smaller sketches. These depict the reinforcements that the horde called in and then the group of seven leaving. In NONE of the sketches is there any person drawn with the AAMS tabard.

((I'd like to personally apologize to the level 24 (I think) troll druid. I scolded promptly at the fools that killed you.))
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85 Human Paladin
(( Little back ground here. Our PvP event and the AAMS event were totally separate events. Just happened to fall on the same timing. Ehlina warned AAMS IC things could get kinda crazy and we intentionally stayed away from Taurajo and would have only come at an IC request which was never received. Closest we came was Vendetta Point.

Unless I missed something no one in our assault group, the ones actually fighting, ever went to Taurajo. Least for the first hour and a half or so. There was the round two group that went back again after the Wargame was over but by then most of us had dispersed.

Just wanted to put that in.

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85 Tauren Paladin
((Yes, we know the two events were not connected. The whole issue really, on an OC level, is starting a plot based on the AAMS's timing.))

*shakes her head* Just like with the Courier. I told them their rep would be tarnished
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